  • 學位論文


China's Foreign Policy toward Southeast Asia After the Cold War - The Case of the Philippines ( 1992-2017 )

指導教授 : 黃介正


中國自冷戰結束之後,隨著改革開放、經濟成長導致其綜合國力迅速提升,中國的崛起已經引起周邊及西方國家高度關注,而中國更積極對外發展,以及樹立區域強權的地位,尤其以東南亞地區國家為先,從「大國外交」、「和諧世界」、「親誠惠容」一連貫政策的環環相扣,凸顯中國意圖在區域政治、經濟形成一定的影響力。 從中國對東南亞國家外交政策上,持續以經濟發展為由,藉由與東南亞國家的經濟合作,深化彼此的共同利益。另外,中國為維護地區海洋、島礁的主權為由,持續藉由強大的軍事力量,不斷恫嚇各國,致使地區各國除了經濟合作領域外,在(南海)主權爭議上,不敢挑戰中國威權。 本文主要探討中國在後冷戰時期,對東南亞外交政策的變遷,進一步探討中國與菲律賓外交關係,從雙方發展演變過程,瞭解影響雙邊外交關係的因素,分析中美兩國在地區競合與南海爭議對雙方所產生的影響,提供我國政府在東南亞外交政策與新南向政策參考。


後冷戰 中國 東南亞 外交政策 菲律賓


Since the end of the Cold War, China’s comprehensive national strength has rapidly increased with the reform and opening up and economic growth. The rise of China has attracted the attention of neighboring and western countries, and China is more active in external development and establish regional power status, especially from Southeast Asia for first purpose. Coherent policies of " great power diplomacy, " "harmonious world" and "pro-honesty" are closely linked and highlighting. Thus, China's intention to have a certain influence in regional politics and economy. From the foreign policy of China to Southeast Asian countries, we continue to rely on economic development and deepen the common interests through economic cooperation with Southeast Asian countries. In addition, China continues to intimidate the countries with strong military strength and scaring countries constantly for maintaining the sovereignty of the region's oceans and islands and reefs. It leads to countries wouldn't challenge China's authoritarian power in this debate over the sovereignty of the South China Sea except economic cooperation. This article mainly discusses China's changes in Southeast Asian foreign policy during the post-Cold War period, for further investigation China-Philippines diplomatic relations. We also understand the evolution of two sides, the impact of bilateral diplomatic relations, and therefore analyzes the influence of the Sino-US disputes in regional competition with South China Sea. Finally, I provide the reference information to government's foreign policy which related Southeast Asia and the new southward policy.


Joseph S Nye Jr.著,蔡東杰譯,《美國霸權的矛盾與未來》,(左岸文化事業有限公司),2002年。
John Mearsheimer著,張登及、唐小松、潘崇易、王義桅合譯,《大國政治的悲劇》,(麥田出版社),2014年7月5日。
