  • 學位論文

菲律賓與中國關係之研究 (1975-2014)

The Relationship between the Philippines and China, 1975-2014

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


菲國獨立後,其外交政策承襲美國的外交路線,基本上是以反共國家為建交之考慮,所以在冷戰時期的前期菲國和中華人民共和國沒有邦交,而與台灣維持緊密的外交關係,同為美國在西太平洋的盟邦。 然而隨著東亞的日本和馬來西亞和中國建交,以及美國和中國進行關係正常化,馬可仕總統決定改變外交政策,與中國建交,隨後雙方在經濟貿易、文化交流等有諸多發展。至艾洛育總統時期,菲國和中國之關係發展達到高峰,中國提供給菲國三十幾項的經濟援助案。 惟當艾奎諾三世於2010年當選總統後,為了南沙問題而與中國發生嚴重衝突,甚至告上聯合國仲裁法庭。菲律賓之如此作法,顯然背後受到美國的鼓舞和支持。菲律賓企圖恢復冷戰氛圍,以獲取南沙群島島礁之所有權。菲律賓成為美國重返亞洲的馬前卒。這些是本文探討的重點。


菲律賓 中國 聯合國仲裁法庭 南海 美國


The thinking of foreign policy of the Philippines was inherited from the United States since its independence. Basically its foreign policy connected with ideology of anti-communism. Therefore the Philippines had no diplomatic relation with the People's Republic of China, but maintained close relation with the Republic of China in Taiwan. Both the Philippines and Taiwan were a strategic partner of the United States in West Pacific. However after Japan and Malaysia establishing diplomatic relations with PRC, and the evolution of normalization between the United States and China, President Marcos decided to change the policy to construct relationship with China. It went to the peak of the relationship between the Philippines and China during the Arroya administration, China provided above 30 economic aids to the Philippines. But when Aquino III assumed the presidency in 2010, the relationship of the Philippines and China are going down to the valley. In order to control some of the island in the Spratly Islands, President Aquino III sued China to the UN Arbitral Tribune under the support of the United States. President Aquino III tried to induced the United States to support his ambition to control the Spratly Islands. The Philippines is going to be a pawn for the United States pivoting to Asia. This is the key point of my thesis.


Constantino, Renato. 1975. A History of the Philippines: From the Spanish Colonization to the Second World War. N.Y.: Monthly Review Press.
Inglos, Dr.Jose D. 1980. Philippine Foreign Policy. Manila: The Lyceum Press.


