  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Triangulation and the adjustment of Intimate Relationship for College Students

指導教授 : 黃宗堅


本研究主要目的為重新建構家族治療中的親子三角關係理論,以獲致新的親子三角關係類型,並分析不同背景變項大學生,在親子三角關係與親密關係適應上的差異性,最後探討不同親子三角關係類型與親密關係適應兩者間之關係,以臺北縣市10所大學院校的學生為研究對象,共計445名。本研究以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,所使用的工具包括「親子三角關係量表」與「關係適應量表」。調查所得的資料運用描述統計、潛在全象分析、潛在類別分析、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析、單因子共變數分析等統計方法進行研究分析。 本研究的主要發現歸納如下: 一、 驗證親子三角關係內涵,獲得新的親子三角關係類型,分別為「游移不定型」、「問題聯盟型」、「情緒疏離型」、「糾結共生型」。 二、 不同背景變項(包含性別、出生序、父母婚姻狀態) 的大學生在「游移不定型」、「問題聯盟型」、「情緒疏離型」、「糾結共生型」皆無顯著差異 三、 性別對「衝突/矛盾」、「自主/共生」與「關係適應」有顯著影響;而出生序、父母婚姻狀態對於親密關係適應的四個向度無顯著影響。 四、 新的四種親子三角關係類型:「游移不定型」、「問題聯盟型」、「情緒疏離型」、「糾結共生型」在親密關係適應上未達顯著差異。 根據本研究的結果與討論,研究者針對諮商實務工作、親職教育和未來研究等方面,提出數點建議,以供參考。


The main purpose of this study was to reconstruct triangulation of family therapy and to obtain the new types of triangulation . It is also to analyse college students’ differences on triangulation and the adjustment of intimate relationship. Besides, this study was to explore the relations between triangulation and the adjustment of intimate relationship. 445 college students from ten colleges and universities in Taipei area were sampled, and Questionnaire Method was taken. The tool of this research include Triangulation Scale and Intimate Relationship Accommodation Scale. Data obtained was analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Latern Profile Analysis , Latent Class Analysis , Chi-Square, One-way ANOVA and One-Way ANCOVA. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.It describes the meanings of parent-offspring's triangle relationship and obtains the new types of parent-ofspring's triangle relationship, which are “hestitation”, “problem-coalited”, “motional disengatment”and “enmenshmentco-independence”. 2.There are no significant differences on the different genders, birth order and parents ’ marital status of college students among “hestitation”, “problem-coalited”, “motional disengatment” and “enmenshment co-independence”. 3.There is significant difference on the different genders among conflict, independence and relatrionship adjustment, but there is no obvious difference on the birth order among four dimensions of intimate relationship adjustment. 4.There are no significant differences on the adjustment of intimate relationship among “hestitation”, “problem-coalited”, “motional disengatment” and “enmenshment co-independence”. Based on the result and discussion of the research, the researeher offers some recommendations as reference materials for counseling practice , parental guidance and future studies.


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