  • 學位論文


The Study in Language Learning Policy of European Union.

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


歐盟初期發展的重心在政治經濟層面,隨著歐盟擴大,從1950年代歐洲統合的初期,6個會員國僅擁有4種官方語言,經過50年共5次的擴大,官方語言增加成為20種,儘管歐洲擁有多語的環境及優勢,但不同語言之間的溝通、官方文件及歐盟機構會議的翻譯成本、各會員國國內少數民族與語言等問題,皆隨著歐盟的擴大而出現,使得語言教育逐漸受到歐盟的重視。 本研究以輔助原則及語言平等原則為理論基礎,從相關條約中了解語言教育政策的發展,並探討語言教育政策的內容、實施現況、未來發展及其所面臨的困難,共分為五章。第一章為緒論。第二章為歐盟在語言教育政策上的法源依據與歷史沿革。第三章為歐盟各項語言教育的相關計畫與活動,簡要敘述各項活動的緣起背景及計畫內容,以蘇格拉底計畫為主要內容。第四章為歐盟語言教育政策展望與評估。第五章為結論。 本研究的研究結論可歸納如下: 1. 歐盟尊重各種語言,遵行輔助原則以輔助性的角色處理語言教育相關的事務,語言教育相關政策仍以各會員國的相關政策為主,歐盟則為各會員國提供歐盟層級的發展空間及經驗交流,而非建立一個統一的語言教育政策。 2. 鼓勵及早學習外語,認為早年學習外語對學生的語言能力、對其它外語及文化的積極態度、自信等皆有正面效果。 3. 歐盟的語言教育政策有助於人民對歐洲產生認同感,對於歐盟整合有正面的影響。 4. 終生學習成為歐盟語言教育政策的趨勢。


The initial point of EU development is on political and economical affairs. In the 1950s the six founding countries decided four official and working languages of the community institutions. Fifty years later the situation has changed dramatically due to the fifth enlargement of official languages explosively increased up to 20. Although EU has multilingual environment, it still has some problems. The main language problems of EU are the complex use of different languages, the translation cost of official papers, and the regional or minority languages. These obstacles make language learning policy of EU become much more important. This study bases on principle of subsidiarity and language equality. The purpose of this study is to discuss the progress, the present situation, the result, the future trends and the future challenge of the development in the language learning policy of EU. Chapter 1 elaborates on the purposes, motives, scope, method, structure limitations, and some keywords of this study. Chapter 2 analyzes the background of the development in the language learning policy. Chapter 3 discusses the background and content of language learning programmes and activities. Chapter 4 evaluates the language learning policy. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. There are some conclusions of this study: 1. EU respects all kinds of languages, and follows the principle of subsidiary. Based on the subsidiary principle, EU has limited power on language affairs and can’t force member states to set up an unique language learning policy. 2. EU thinks it’s good to learn English as early as possible. Learning foreign languages earlier can enhance the ability and confidence of foreign languages. 3. Language learning policy helps people have the awareness of EU, and it has positive effect on European integration. 4. Lifelong learning becomes the trend of language learning policy.


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