  • 學位論文


The Study of European Union Integration in Higher Education

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


高等教育的改革與發展,近幾年來一直是全球性主要的發展趨勢,高等教育是以研究高深學問及培養專門人才為要務,除了是居於學制上的金字塔頂端之外,更是要因應社會的變遷而牽引社會進步的動力。歐洲各國高等教育體制的複雜多樣性,顯示現今歐盟逐漸經濟市場整合下,此現象將會引起重重不便,勢必改革。1999年6月19日,歐洲29國教育部長聚集在義大利波隆那,協商整合歐洲高等教育體系,並計劃在2010年建立歐洲高等教育區。波隆那進程改革的目的,要使歐洲高等教育逐步趨同、走向國際化。 隨著會員國轉移更多自主權于歐洲共同體,而部長理事會議事程序引進更多條件多數決,使得不經全體會員國同意的議案亦能通過,其決議卻影響到廣大歐洲人民之經濟社會生活,會員國及其人民對權力不斷擴展的歐洲聯盟充滿疑慮,對統合速度加快不斷侵蝕會員國主權滿懷恐懼。歐洲聯盟為了維持共同體與會員國間的權力均衡,乃提出輔助原則作為權力分配之準則。 本研究擬分為五章,筆者將分別從歐盟在高等教育政策的發源、整合沿革和推動政策提出討論。第一章為緒論。第二章為歐盟在高等教育政策上的法源依據。第三章為歐盟推動高等教育整合的發展過程。第四張為歐盟在高等教育的內容。第五章為結論。從本研究中,主要可以歸納下列幾項研究發現: 1.歐盟希望在整合過程中可以基於多樣性而分享共同目標-高等教育體制學制的整合,使整個歐盟和公民從中受益。 2.提供歐盟未來的主人翁對於歐洲更加清楚及熟稔的認知概念、發展歐盟公民權的面向,及在歐盟層級一起面對抵抗外來的各項競爭與挑戰。


The existing higher educational systems in different countries of Europe are so complicated and diversified that cause a lot of trouble when the economic process of integration is underway. Thus, the trend is towards reformation of the national educational systems. On 19 June 1999, 29 European Ministers in charge of higher education were gathered in Bologna in Italy to discuss and merge the architecture of the European Higher Education System and planed to establish the European Area of Higher Education by 2010. The so-call Bologna Process means the main purpose of the reformation is to pursue convergence and internationalization. The establishment of the European Union has pushed forward the depth and width of European integration. The principle of subsidiarity is concerned with distribution of power, in which tension between centralization and devolution of power has always been inherent. The principle was adopted within the European Community as a mechanism to mediate the division of power between the Community and Member States, and try to de-fuse political conflict. The purpose of this study is to discuss the process, the present situation, the result and the future trends of the development on the higher education policy of the European Union. Chapter 1 elaborates on the purposes, motives, scope, method, structure, limitations, and some keywords of this study. Chapter 2 analyzes the background of the development on the higher education policy of the European Union. Chapter 3 discusses the development of carrying out the higher education integration by European Union. Chapter 4 elucidates the content of the higher education policy of the European Union. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. Some findings are summarized as follows: 1.European Union hopes to share the common goal - the merger of the high education system - length of schooling on the basis of variety in the course of combining, make the whole of European Union and citizen benefit from it. 2.Let the Youth people in European Union could learn more concepts of European Union develop the Dimension of the civil rights in European Union and challenge outside competition together.


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