  • 學位論文


A study on Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the European Union

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究主要係採用文件分析法探討歐盟高等教育品質保證制度。主要的研究目的包括:(一)瞭解歐盟的起源與體制運作發展;(二)探討歐盟高等教育品質保證機制建構之緣起、目標,與內容;(三)探討歐盟高等教育品質保證相關的政策、實施現況與問題;及(四)對歐盟高等教育品質保證制度進行分析,並對國內教育相關政策提供建言。 本研究之主要發現或結論有: 一、歐盟之產生乃源於西歐諸國於二次戰後階段性的整合發展轉變而成,成立之後透過會員國之陸續加入,組織逐漸擴大,其相關法規也因應修正。 二、歐盟高等教育發展政策,隨不同時期的發展需求而有階段上之差異,對高等教育的品質保證工作,可說是自1999年「波隆那宣言」簽署後才正式開展,最終以達到2010年建構完成「歐洲高等教育區域」(EHEA)為目標。 三、歐盟致力於建置「歐洲高等教育區域」,主要的動機是要在全球市場中增加其國際競爭力及吸引力,並透過「歐洲面向」的凝聚,及「知識歐洲」的模塑,吸引歐洲以外國家或民眾對歐洲的向心力。 四、以「波隆那宣言」為基礎,歐盟於2000年透過設置ENQA,致力於促進歐洲國家合作交流及促進會員國的專業發展。 五、歐盟的高等教育品質保證制度旨在建立一套高等教育品質能見度、透明性和包容性均能達理想之評鑑制度。 六、歐洲各國高等教育品質保證計畫的多元特性,有助強化各國間的互動,促進跨文化的理解,並凝聚歐洲各國對高等教育品質保證的意識。 七、目前歐洲各國在推動高等教育品質保證工作時所面臨的問題與挑戰,是以國家層面和機構層面為主。


歐盟 高等教育 品質保證


This study mainly, via the method of document analysis and literature review, aims to explore the systems of quality assurance of higher education in the European Union. In so doing, the formation and development of the EU, the policies of the quality assurance, and responsive actions of the EU member states are analyzed in this study. The main findings of this study include: 1. The European Union, formed originally by six countries in the Western Europe, has been gradually expanded by the joining of other countries in Europe, and its related rules or regulations have been revised according to the changing needs of its existing 27 member states. 2. The focus of higher education policies of the EU has been varied with different stages of its development. Policies concerning the quality assurance of higher education in the EU were initiated formally from the signing of the “Bologna Declaration” by 29 European Education Ministers in June 1999, which called for the creation of a “European Higher Education Area” (EHEA) by 2010. 3. The driving forces of establishing the EHEA is mainly from the increased concern of internationalization and globalization, as well as that of the international competitiveness of Europe at global level. By strengthening the “European dimension” of activities of its member states, the ambitious goal of the EU is to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, i.e., by creating a “Europe of knowledge”, to promote the attractiveness of the EHEA. 4. Based on the agreement of the “Bologna Process”, which listed a range of actions to be undertaken by signatory states, the European Commission supported the establishment of ENQA.. ENQA, becoming operational in 2000, is membership organizations whose mission is to promote cooperation, exchange best practices and stimulate the professional development of its members and their personnel. It also plays a role as the advocate of the quality assurance community in its relations with national governments, institutions and their organizations and the European Commission. 5. The policies of quality assurance of higher education in the EU are, by integrating different quality assurance mechanisms of different states into a single European framework of qualifications, mainly aiming to develop a more transparent, visible, and inclusive system. 6. One of the distinctive characteristic of European quality assurance system is its diversified national nature. Based on the common European framework, each member state, with a high degree of self-regulation, committed to working together for establishing its own transparent structure of higher education with a high degree of mobility, compatibility, and comparability. 7. Due to the variation in higher education systems, problems and challenges faced by European countries in promoting quality assurance of higher education are mainly at national and institutional levels.


楊 瑩(2005)。高等教育的品質保證。台灣教育,632,13-20。
楊 瑩(2006a)。英國高等教育研究評鑑改革新趨勢。評鑑雙月刊,3,47-50。


