  • 學位論文


Analysis of European Union's Institutional Multilingual Regime--How Its Multi-pronged Model Associated with European Integration

指導教授 : 許智偉
共同指導教授 : 林立


歐洲聯盟多語的定義涵蓋語言服務及語言學習,本文則聚焦在語言服務。歐洲整合歷經五十多年的多次擴大,自創始初期的四種官方語言,爆增至今天的23種,基於「法理上」和「政治上」,歐盟必需實行延伸型的語言機制。規模居世界第一且具領航地位的歐盟翻譯機構,在須兼顧成本效益,並突顯歐洲整合的精隨即文化語言之多樣性的要求下,該當如何因應理想和務實的需求。 而各國學者專家曾就不同向度多方辯證,爭議點不外乎:一、如何界定官方語言或工作語言,且各機構無論是核心或專責組織,可名正言順,就本身之特質及需求制定自己的語言機制;二、將英文公訂為唯一之共通用語,優點是降低成本增加效率、且可因應歐盟的一再擴大,缺點則是違背歐盟的立法精神,挑戰多元文化的核心價值;三、為何獨厚英語,而非歐盟機構多數法律文件簽署的法語,亦或歐盟內占人口使用多數的德語,甚或任一種斯拉夫語,以拉攏中東歐對歐盟的認同。更有學者建議將差異整合的彈性作法,應用在歐盟的語言機制上。 本論文以歐洲差異整合主張的彈性務實策略,來解釋歐盟機構語言機制的多軌變化,探究歐盟整合中逐漸常態化的差異整合,對歐盟語言機制變異的影響。論文分成七章:第一章緒論、第二章語言機制的演變與歐盟多語政策的形成、第三章歐盟語言機制的獨特性與複雜性、第四章語言機制差異的法律分析與應用、第五章差異歐洲的概念及表現與語言安排的彈性應用、第六章多語機制對歐洲整合的重要性、第七章結論。 本研究重在探討歐盟機構的語言服務機制,近年如何呈現多軌的語言光譜。在此光譜上,彼端是兩三種慣用語,此端則是歐盟所有語言,中段再配以與議題利益直接相關者的語言組合。2000年起專家學者和歐盟官僚也陸續引用「差異和彈性」來形容歐盟的多語機制。此正對應歐盟語言入口網站的標章,一隻彩漾的變色龍,能配合週遭情境轉換膚色。歐盟多軌的多語機制,其功能外溢,關係到歐盟政治、經濟、社會、文化和教育各面政策的整合。歐盟機構多語機制整體的發展、變化和運作,與歐洲的整合進程,在時空上呈現互動的關聯性。


Over fifty years of European integration and through five enlargements, EU’s official languages have increased from initial 4 up to 23 because of “politically and legally necessary” using extensive linguistic regime. As a pioneer, with the largest translation and interpretation services in the world, what the optimal language set EU should adopt to trade-off the cost-efficiency and its crucial profile, multilingualism? Many arguments have proclaimed to introduce a working lingua franca that assumed, would reduce both the costs and inefficiency of translation services. But which language is optimal? English-only, historically diplomatic French, German, the most widely-spoken language in the EU, or Polish that can more integrate Slav’s identity. Some suggested flexibility of differentiated integration should be applied on linguistic regime. Since 2000 arguments have continuously mentioned to draw “differentiated or flexible approach” of integration to modify EU’s linguistic mechanism. Manifested by the logo of language Portal, a chameleon, different institutions or agencies, in order to adapt variable contexts, have developed their own multi-pronged or differentiated language arrangements which present a linguistic spectrum with automatic languages (mostly, English) at one end, all languages at the other end and various language sets directly pertinent to the relevant issues in-between two extremes. Such practice is actually associated with the increasing application of flexibility and pragmatism in European integration which is greatly and deeply affected by the regime’s spill-over. This dissertation is comprised of seven chapters as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction. Chapter 2 Explanation of EU institutional language regime and Multilingualism. Chapter 3 Discussion of uniqueness and complexity of language regime. Chapter 4 Analysis about the rules resulting in regime varieties. Chapter 5 An emphasis on differentiated/flexible integration and its application to the multi-pronged linguistic regime. Chapter 6 Linguistic regime’s spill-over discussion. Chapter 7 Conclusion.


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