  • 學位論文

解構中國變遷中的海洋戰略:以Alexander Wendt社會建構主義為觀點

Deconstructing the transition of China's Maritime Power: From Alexander Wendt's Social Constructivism Perspective

指導教授 : 翁明賢


變遷中的中國海洋戰略所呈現的特色就是馬漢、柯白的複合體,其具體的展現於「近海防禦、遠海護衛」的建軍指導上,目的用以鞏衛大陸近海制海權,以及護衛如殖民地般的遠海「珍珠鏈」,並且以2035年做為達成「中國夢」的關鍵節點。   2035年是習近平宣示「第一個一百年」後的14年,也是14年後達成「第二個一百年」的戰略檢查點,在此重要的關鍵時刻,中國以國防與軍隊現代化做為一圓「中國夢」的檢證指標之一。因此,必須慎重對待國防與軍隊現代化正式宣告向海洋崛起的時刻,第一島鏈及南海面對的是制海權的磨擦,尤其原本拘束中國的「麻六甲困境」,在南海島礁軍事化後反而成為鉗制西方國家的「南海困境」,而本文的研究結果是否實現?將由中國共產黨「廿二大」產生的領導人決定。   本文從Alexander Wendt社會建構主義的觀點出發,探索國家身分、國家利益與海洋戰略的關聯,以「想定」為橋梁,界接佈施(Ken Booth)之三角原型建構出海軍對「海洋使用」的三邊任務:一是警察性任務;二是外交性任務;三是軍事任務,來分別對應「康德」、「洛克」、「霍布斯」三個無政府文化,用以檢證中國變遷中的海洋戰略發展。然而,不管在哪一種無政府文化的想定下,中國都在「打破慣例、形成常態、塑造規範」,如此的確符合Alexander Wendt社會建構主義的邏輯。


The characteristics of the Chinese Marine Strategy in the transition are the complex of Alfred Thayer Mahan and Julian Corbett, which is specifically demonstrated in the" offshore waters defense" and "open seas protection" guidance. The purpose is to consolidate the mainland's offshore sea power and to protect the colony-like "String of Pearls", and to use 2035 as a key node for the "Chinese Dream". 2035 is 14 years after Xi Jinping declared "the first hundred years", and is also the strategic checkpoint for reaching the "second hundred years". At this important moment, China's modernization of national defense and the army is used as a validation index of "Chinese Dream." Therefore, we must be cautious in the moment when China’s modernization of national defense and the army officially announced its rise to the sea. The first island chain and the South China Sea will face the friction of the command of the sea. In particular, the "Malacca Dilemma", which originally constrains China, will become a "South China Sea Dilemma" that will constrain the Western countries after the militarization of the South Island Reef. Is research result of this thesis achieved? It will be decided by the leaders of the 22th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. This thesis explores the relationship between national identity, national interests and ocean strategy from the perspective of Alexander Wendt's social constructivism. It uses the "scenario" as a bridge to connect the Ken Booth triangle prototype to construct three naval tasks of "The Use Of The Sea": one is the policing role; the second is the diplomatic role; the third is the military role. These roles correspond to the three anarchic cultures-"Kantian", "Lockean" and "Hobbesian" and are used to test the development of marine strategy in China's transition. What's interesting is that no matter what kind of anarchic culture is in place, China is " breaking the established practices and forming normal state and shaping norms, so it is indeed in line with the logic of Alexander Wendt's social constructivism."


Admiral James Stavridis著,譚天譯。《海權爭霸海權爭霸:世界7大海洋的歷史與地緣政治,全球列強戰略布局與角力》。臺北:聯經出版社,2018年10月。
Alexander Wendt著,秦亞青譯。《國際政治的社會理論》。上海:人民出版社,2000年。
