  • 學位論文


Interpretative Analysis of Sea Power Concept:Observation of U.S. Think Tank on the Expansion of China Sea Power

指導教授 : 何思因




海權 國際關係 海軍戰略 中國 美國 全球化


In the classical theories, the development of the concept of sea power is not limited to the scope of naval tactics. Due to globalization, sea power issues tend to be more diversified. This paper contains not only historical induction, but uses the statistic method to explore the concept of modern sea power through literature. Because the influence of the famous sea power theory made by American strategist Mahan, Sea Power and the Rise and Fall of great powers often be linked. According to the classical theories, most of people think that sea power issues are closely related to the rise and fall of great powers in the case of the competition of modern Sino-US sea power. However, this paper finds that it is not the truth, but rather a construction of the epistemology. Ignoring the technical conditions change, the classical theories are difficult to predict the outcome of the war, but it does have a great influence on the international political landscape. Although the guiding ideology of an arms race does not ensure the success of the actual naval, and naval warfare may not doing more on rise and fall of great power. But as different aspects of sea power theory still has the common ground between arm races and actual naval battle is the psychological pressure which is exerted to change behaviors of each powers. Through the interpretation of American scholars’ perspectives on the expansion of China sea power, this paper tries to understand the modern sea power structure and to find out that ocean surveillance is a worlable strategic factor under globalization and technological progress.


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