  • 學位論文

在登盛政府執政下緬甸之發展 (2011 – 2015)

EU - Myanmar Relations Development During Thein Sein Presidency (2011-2015)

指導教授 : 林若雩


本篇論文研究論述登盛政府成立後緬甸的發展,這項研究主要著重於分析緬甸在2011 - 2015年間發生的國內變化。理論上,定義非民主政體和民主化進程有關之用語,並將用來說明現任政府的相關作為。 在登盛政府執政期間,該政府進行了許多改革以幫助緬甸重新與國際社會接軌,透過分析進而探討緬甸國內生產總值,通貨膨脹和外國直接投資指數,分析改革和進入國際社會所帶來之影響。 歐盟於二零一二年解除了二十世紀九十年代的經濟制裁後,歐盟及緬甸雙邊關係進入了新階段。緬甸主要著重在體現歐盟與政府和社會的整合。此外,本研究使用了史蒂文˙ 萊維莰基的聯繫和槓桿理論進而描述並評估歐盟的社會、經濟間交流與政府間關係。 此外,本篇研究將討論緬甸對歐盟的立場,進一步探討論述。


東南亞 緬甸 民主化 非民主政權 歐盟 聯繫 槓桿


The diploma thesis deals with the development of Myanmar after the establishment of Thein Sein’s civilian government. The study focuses on the analysis of domestic changes that occurred during the period of 2011-2015. In the theoretical part the terms connected with non-democratic regimes and democratization processes are defined and will be used to describe Sein’s government. During Sein’s presidency, numerous reforms have been introduced which led Myanmar to re-connect with the international community. An analysis on the impact of the reforms and entrance to the international community will be made by analysing and discussing Myanmar’s Gross Domestic Product, inflation and foreign direct investment indexes. The European Union entered a new phase of EU – Myanmar bilateral relations when the 1990’s economic sanctions were lifted in 2012. It’s behaviour pivot towards Myanmar its primarily visible in EU’s integration with the government and society. Therefore, EU’s social, economic, communication and intergovernmental ties will be described and evaluated with the Linkage and Leverage model of Levitsky & Way. Moreover, Myanmar’s position towards the EU will be discussed.


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Amnesty International (2015): “Caught between state censorship and self-censorship: Prosecution and intimidation of media workers in Myanmar”. Published by Amnesty International Ltd. Accessed 06.05.18: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/asa16/1743/2015/en/
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