  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Interactive Whiteboard on the Instruction of Mandarin Characters for Junior Elementary Pupils

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


識字學習和其他的認知技能一樣,必須達到自動化的程度,才算是熟練的閱讀,而有效的識字才能使識字成為自動化,將來在學習上就可以達到更高的效率。 研究者在教學場域中發現:學習者在長期接受單槍投射教材的學習環境下,由於缺乏觀摩教師板書的書寫過程,識字教學過程教材以單槍一次投現,字的書寫過程被科技吞沒,久之學生們習慣字以形記,不重視字的組成構件涵義,對形近字的辨析能力降低,對組字部件學習產生疏漏,凌亂的寫字結構及錯誤的筆順、字形均妨礙了識字寫字學習效率。 由識字教學策略之文獻報告可知,國字識字寫字應以字形為重,所以在國小低年級階段,應把字形教學當做識字教學的核心,讓學生認清字形,了解簡單造字原理,掌握歸納國字的規律和方法,才能以簡馭繁、觸類旁通,擴充識字的質與量。本研究旨在了解以「部件識字教學策略」配合「互動式電子白板」進行識字教學之學生的學習歷程。為達上述目的,先探討文獻,了解國內國字識字教學的教學實施與評量方式,藉以歸納出教學步驟,並透過行動研究的方式,在課程進行中研究者與觀察教師以觀察、文件與學習歷程紀錄檢視的方式,了解教師進行互動式電子白板融入國小低年級識字教學的教學實施與學生的學習成效,並透過教學省思與討論,修正教學步驟並提出教學相關建議事項。 本研究發現,以部件識字教學策略進行教學,符合漢字結構與認知上的特色,教學中運用互動式電子白板具靈活標記、拖曳操控等之特性,方便教師進行部首偏旁及部件構字教學,幫助學生對於訊息刺激進行標識、類化與區別,有助於文字的感知與理解;為了進一步達到真正有效學習,讓習得之字能長期記憶,研究者輔以部件字庫圖像進行構字原理教學。此教學過程,學生可透過電子白板親自觸控、拖曳部件圖像,在學習過程中提升教學的互動性,並提供學生充分練習的機會,且圖像有助於理解與記憶,如此更有助於學生將短期記憶轉換成長期記憶,有效的促進教學效果。 本研究中,互動式電子白板提供部件教學、部首字形演變、簡易六書教學、形聲字統整、字族延伸進而提升識寫字量迅速增加,都顯示媒體工具的運用對教學的幫助,應肯定其應用價值。基於上述研究發現與結論,本研究提供若干建議供國小低年級教師教學及研究者在未來進行相關研究之參考。


Recognizing words efficiently makes the reading skills automatic. The learning of word-recognition must achieve the level of automate, like other cognitive kills; then learners can have skilled reading ability. The research found that the learners taught by e-material projected from the computer are used to recognize the words according to the forms but not the meaning of the components of the words’ structure. Because of the lack of the process of teachers’ handwriting demonstration and the word-recognition teaching presented one word at one time from the projector, the learners are less able to differentiate two similar words and the learning of the components is neglected. Not acquired the organized writing structures, correct writing orders and forms impedes the efficient learning of word-recognition, the instruction of Mandarin Characters. It is known from the research about teaching strategies of word-recognition of Mandarin Characters that the learning of the forms plays an important role in Chinese characters’ recognition and writing. As a result, it is suggested that during the lower grades in the elementary school, the words’ forms teaching should be the core of the instruction of the word-recognition to have learners know the forms clearly, understand the orders of word-making and be capable to control the rules of Chinese characters. Then, the quality and the quantity of word-recognition can be enlarged. The research project aims to understand the learning process of the word-recognition teaching by using word-components recognition teaching stragedies through Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). First, literature review was done to know how the instruction of Chinese characters’ recognition and evaluation are carried out in Taiwan to conclude the steps of the instruction. Then, by the action research including the observation in the class, the examination of the documents and the learning-process records, the research and the teacher found out the learning effect of the implement of the instruction of word-recognition through IWB at lower graders in the elementary school. Also, through the teaching reflection and discussion, the teaching steps are revised and the teaching suggestion are proposed. It is found in the research, the teaching by using word-components recognition strategies accords with the features of Chinese characters’ structures and cognition. Also, the implement of IWB in the teaching has the features of mark flexibly and drag-control; those makes it easy to teach radical forms of the Chinese characters and word-components and they helps the learners to recognitize, differentiate the information. Furthermore, it is helpful for the learners’ sensation and understanding about the words. In order to have efficient learning, the research had the instruction of word-making principles. The learners can touch the board, drag the icons of the word-component themselves through IWB to promote the interaction in the process of learning and provide them sufficient opportunities to practice. Because the pictures are helpful for understanding and memorization, the instruction helps the learners transfer short-term memory into long- term memory and promote the learning effect. In this study, IWB provides word-components instruction, the transformation of the words’ radical form, simple Liushu, integrating ideophone, expending the word-groups to promote the qualities of the word-recognition rapidly. It is shown that the application of the multi-media is beneficial to the instruction, and the value of it is also approved. According to the finding and the conclusion of the research, some suggestions are proposed to be the reference for the further research for the lower graders’ teachers or researchers.


周碧香(2009)。圖解識字教學原理探討。國立台中教育大學學報:人文藝術類,23(1),55 - 68。
洪儷瑜、黃冠穎(2006)。兩種取向的部件識字教學法對國小低年級語文低成就學生之成效比較。 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系特殊教育研究學刊 ,31,43-71。


