  • 學位論文

從結構理論詮釋 線上遊戲經營者與玩家的行為

Adopt Structure Theory To Interpret The Behavior of Online-game Industrialist and Users

指導教授 : 游佳萍


網路世界從BBS、WWW乃至現今網路事業最為發達的線上遊戲,它們皆創造了一個又一個的「虛擬社群」。隨著使用者的大量增加,虛擬社群如同真實世界的社群,分享某些共同的經驗、語言、符號,甚至儀式等文化規範,包括對話的方式、社群的建立與認同、言語和行動之間的關連等。 本研究將以結構理論為基礎,探討玩家及經營者行為之間的互動關係。研究問題有二: 第一、經營者有哪些行為會影響玩家?第二、玩家如何對經營者的行為做出反應?我們將透過訪談方與觀察法進行資料收集。抽樣對象以目前國內最大遊戲廠商智冠科技股份有限公司為研究對象,線上遊戲玩家則以「仙境傳說」以及「金庸群俠傳」的遊戲使用者為研究對象。 本研究透過資料的分析及探討將可獲得以下的結果,第一,在未來的線上遊戲市場中,業者將從傳統的遊戲供應商轉型成為遊戲的服務商,企業需推出各種遊戲以外的服務,讓玩家覺得有高度的便利性,使玩家願意長期停留在遊戲中。第二,在線上遊戲經營中,對於經營者而言,玩家的管理是一項困難,但卻非常重要的課題。組織未來將應該更重視,如何透過三個動態循環(組織計劃、資源、規範),分析並推動線上遊戲虛擬社群之經營策略,使兩者成為一生命共同體,彼此進行良性且正向的互動。第三、豐富的社群關係為玩家長期停留在遊戲中的主要動力。第四,企業與玩家之間存在著一種溝通的盲點,彼此間無法進行良性的雙向互動,雙方的資訊落差造成玩家與企業間的隔閡。 本研究貢獻有二點,第一、本研究採用社會結構的理論,運用在線上遊戲上,說明線上遊戲經營者與使用者動態的交互關係對虛擬社群發展的影響。第二、透過個案分析進行線上遊戲虛擬社群經營之研究,期待有助於業界經營虛擬社群。


Through network, people create their relationship, social life and their unique virtual community. The most special case is the virtual community for on-line game players. These players engage these fantastic games and build a virtual community when they have common experiences, share relevant resource, and support each other like a reality team. In order to investigate virtual communities of on-line game industry, this study examines interpretive, resource, norm of on-line game industry based on structure theory. Two questions guide this study: (1) how does the on-line game company to make the strategies? (2) how do these players’ reaction re-influence producers’ strategies? Our study adopt interview to collect data from on-line game participants. Our target sample is the most popular on-line game in Taiwan, and subjects are this game’s players and company stuffs. There are four findings in our study: first, this game company would reform from the game producer becomes the game services provider. Second, richness cyber membership keeps players enjoying the on-line game life day by day. Third, a lack of smooth and structured communication between the industries and players leads conflicts among them. Finally, from players’ aspect, the image of this on-line game company is the game producer but it is not a qualify services provider. There are two contributions of this study. First, we used structured theory to capture the behaviors of on-line game company and players, and describe the interaction and conflict between them. Second, our findings provide the suggestions for the management and implication of on-line game community.


7. 鍾瑄容,涉入程度、顧客滿意度與忠誠度關係之研究,中原大學企業
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