  • 學位論文


A study on the personnel transfer and administrative effectiveness in military university in Taiwan—A case study of the National Defense University

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究旨在探討國防大學人員調動與行政管理效能現況、問題及其因應策略,本研究主要目的有: 一、瞭解我國軍事校院人員調動與行政管理體系的沿革發展與現況。 二、檢視國防大學人員調動與行政管理體系之沿革發展與現況。 三、探討國防大學人員調動與行政管理之效能。 四、分析國防大學人員調動與行政管理面臨的問題及其所採取之因應策略。 五、根據研究發現提出建議,供相關單位未來改進之參考。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討為輔。在問卷調查部分,係以自編之調查問卷為主要研究工具,針對國防大學行政人員及主管(校長及副校長除外)338人進行全體問卷調查,回收有效樣本共311份,回收率為92.02%。本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、我國軍事校院依國防行政體系賦予之使命訂定教育目標,故教育自主性較低,並由國防部主導軍職人員調動。 二、國防大學為首要之軍事學府,創立至今共歷經四個階段之組織改造,因應不同時空、環境及背景因素,各階段之組織變革而有所不同。在組織變動的過程,由國防部主導軍職人員調動。 三、大多數人員對學校行政管理效能有正面之評價。 四、多數人員認為在學校行政管理面臨之問題方面,以「與外界(尤其一般大學校院)聯繫或交流不夠,導致外界對軍校瞭解不足」最為嚴重。 五、在學校宜採取之因應策略方面,大部分樣本認為「人員調動或職務調整,宜事先徵求當事人意願及同意」最為需要。 六、對學校行政管理現況之看法會依身份、不同職務、是否曾被徵詢調動意願而有差異。 七、對學校行政管理現況之看法在性別、年齡、學歷、非軍職之樣本、服務學院單位、調職次數、擔任現職年資及是否曾在其他機關服務等方面未有顯著之差異。 八、對學校行政管理面臨之問題與因應策略之回應會依年齡、軍職樣本之軍階、不同職務、曾否調職而有差異。 九、學校資源的評價與其對學校問題嚴重性之間呈現低度正相關。 十、學校行政管理效能之評價與學校行政管理應採之因應策略呈現低度正相關。


This study mainly aims, via adopting the methods of questionnaire survey and literature review, and by using the National Defense University as a case study, to explore the personnel transfer and administrative effectiveness in military universities in Taiwan. The main purposes of this study include: 1.To understand the reform, development and current systems of the personnel transfer and administration in military universities in Taiwan. 2.To review the reform, development and the current systems of the personnel transfer and administration the National Defense University. 3.To explore the personnel transfer and administrative effectiveness in the National Defense University, according to the perception of its administrative staff. 4.To analyze the perception of the administrative staff about the related problems faced and corresponding strategies adopted by the National Defense University. 5. To propose useful suggestions, based upon the findings of this study, for the reference of the future reform or improvement of related administrative management and policies in military universities. A self-designed questionnaire was used as the tool of this study. By surveying all 338 administrative staff (except the president and vice-presidents) in the National Defense University, and, with a response rate of 92.02%, 311 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.The educational aims of military universities in Taiwan have been defined and regulated by the Ministry of National Defense, and the transfer of military personnel in military institutions has been controlled and decided by the Ministry, so the “academic autonomy” enjoyed by the military universities has been considerably limited, in comparison with other universities. . 2. The National Defense University (NDU, for short), which has undergone four main stages of organizational reforms since its establishment, has been the major and the most important military educational institute, and in each stage, its administrative system and organizational structure have been reformed in accordance with the changes of the societal environment in Taiwan. However, the transfer of military personnel in the University has been controlled and initiated by the Ministry of National Defense. 3. Most of the administrative staff in the NDU responded positively supportive towards the administrative effectiveness of the University. 4. “The insufficient contact with outsides, especially with other universities” is the most serious problem in the administrative management of the NDU and this accordingly results in the misunderstanding of the public towards military universities, according to the perception of the majority of the respondents. 5.“The willingness of the personnel towards the change or transfer of jobs” is the most demanded reform among the various corresponding strategies, responded by the administrative staff of the NDU.. 6. There were significant differences in the attitudes of the respondents towards the administrative effectiveness of the NDU among the respondents with different ranks, statuses, and the experiences of being consulted about the job transfer before the transfer. . 7. There were no significant differences in the attitudes of the respondents towards the administrative effectiveness of the NDU in terms of the respondents’ sex, age, education, years of working, or offices or units of service, etc. 8. There were significant differences in the perception of problems and the corresponding strategies needed in terms of the age, official ranks, and positions of the respondents, etc. 9.There was low positive correlation between the respondents’ evaluation of resources of the university and the degree of seriousness of the problems perceived by the respondents. 10.There was low positive correlation between the respondents’ evaluation of administrative effectiveness of the university and the degree of necessity of the corresponding strategies adopted.


