  • 學位論文


The impact of career development of unmarried single women on their happiness with the moderator of marital value

指導教授 : 洪英正 張雍昇


許多女性因已達適婚年齡,周邊親友皆擔心未婚單身女性未來方向,雖然時代在改變,可是上一輩的思維並沒有變,仍然希望以傳統的形式要求下一代(盧智芳,2004)因此本研究者開始思考,未婚單身女性的幸福感來源以及在工作上的自我價值,與有無踏入婚姻會不會影響著生涯發展與幸福感的高低。因此本研究主題為本研究旨在探討未婚單身女性生涯發展、幸福感、婚姻價值之相關,從而瞭解上述三者變項之間彼此的關係。 根據以往學者們的研究,未婚單身女性幸福感來源,包含工作事業的經營:工作環境或氣氛佳;個人與職業工作的適配性高;工作回饋(工作薪資與成就感、自我效能感);工作中獲得自我提升與成長,(賴珮瑄,2012)。再來,研究發現,未婚女性感受到較高的單身壓力時,其幸福感越低,(吳少萍,2009)。 研究對象以未婚單身女性為調查對象,並且採用量化之問卷方式,輔以立意抽樣問卷調查法,向全國發放755份問卷,回收有效樣本數為307份,有效之回收比率為40.6%。經由文獻資料探討以及問卷設計調查,再依有效問卷中之資料,採用敘述統計、項目分析、信度檢定、因素分析、階層迴歸分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析進行驗證分析。對未婚單身女性生涯發展、幸福感、婚姻價值三者間之關係做出結論、討論及建議。 本研究之結果證實假設有些成立,有些不成立:(1)生涯發展對未婚單身女性幸福感具有顯著正向影響(2)婚姻價值對幸福感具有顯著正向影響(3)婚姻價值在未婚單身女性生涯發展對其幸福感影響上無顯著正向調節作用(4)不同人口統計變項的未婚單身女性在生涯發展、婚姻價值及幸福感上部分有顯著差異 本研究可提供之管理意涵為研究顯示,當未婚單身女性生涯發展越強,幸福感也就會越高,可由企業或是政府,創造女性就業環境,提供女性獲得資源、技術、資訊和培訓的機會,以提高女性能力,強化女性生涯發展的意願,進而獲得幸福感的提升,且未婚單身女性部分壓力來自周遭親友的過度關切與期待,也影響著未婚女性的幸福感,建議周遭親友能多些尊重、理解與支持,能有效提高幸福感,且未婚單身女性不會因為有無婚姻而影響生涯發展對他們帶來的幸福感,表示未婚單身女性穩定度高,若企業能給予展現能力的機會,會對未婚單身女性是很大的鼓舞。


Many unmarried women worry their relatives after reaching the age of marriage. Although the era has shifted, the concepts and thoughts of elder generations remain unchanged, and they are prone to pressure the younger generation in a conventional way. Therefore, the researcher started to ponder on the source of unmarried women’s senses of well-being, their self-worth derived from work, and whether stepping into marriage influences their careers and senses of well-being. The study aimed at discussing and probing into the interrelationship among career, sense of well-being, and marital values. According to the studies of past scholars, the source of unmarried women’s senses of well-being lies in their devotion to work and business, pleasant work environment and atmosphere, suitability for the job, positive feedback from their work, which includes salary, sense of achievement, and self-efficacy, and their self-improvement as well as growth garnered from work. Moreover, according to the research, the more pressure a single woman is confronted with, the less sense of well-being she can feel. Targeting at unmarried women, the study adopted quantitative questionnaires and purpose sampling. 755 questionnaires distributed nationwide, the number of valid samples recovered is 307,effective recovery rate is 40.6%.through literature discussion and questionnaire design survey, according to the information in the valid questionnaire, use Descriptive Statistics、Critical ratio、Reliability、Factor Analysis、Hierarchical Regression Analysis、Analysis of variance and Independent sample t-test、one-way ANOVA perform verification analysis. Career development, for unmarried single women、Happiness、Marital value the relationship between the three makes a conclusion、discussion and suggestions. The result of the study proved that some of the hypotheses were valid, while some of them were invalid: (1) Careers have a strikingly positive influence on unmarried women’s senses of well-being. (2) Marital values have strikingly positive influence on the sense of well-being. (3) Marital values do not positively affect unmarried women’s senses of well-being derived from their careers. (4) With demographic variable, there is partially distinct difference among unmarried women’s careers, marital values, and senses of well-being. The more successful unmarried women’s careers are; the more senses of well-being they can feel. Enterprises and the government can improve women’s abilities, increase their willingness to devote to their careers, and thus augment the senses of well-being by creating a female-friendly work environment and offering opportunities for females to obtain resources, techniques, information, and training. Given that the pressure on unmarried women often comes from their relative’s excessive expectations and concerns. The study suggested that relatives should show more respect, understanding, and support, thus effectively increase the sens of well-being. Besides, married or not, single women’s senses of well-being derived from their careers remain the same, which means they are stable and reliable at work. If enterprises provide them with the chance to display and utilize their abilities, they would be significantly encouraged.


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