  • 學位論文


The Study of Malaysia-China Relations in the Mahathir Era,1981-2003

指導教授 : 楊志恆


馬來西亞與同為亞洲國家的中國,自1974年建交以來,雙方不論是在政治、經濟方面都有緊密的往來。而在其後將馬中關係拉抬至目前「最佳狀況」的推手,則非馬來西亞首相-馬哈迪莫屬。本論文以馬哈迪執政時期之馬中關係為主,藉由重建歷史脈絡分析影響雙方交往的各項因素,並探討在國際環境與國內因素下,馬中雙方關係如何由排距、漸近、到友好的變化。 馬哈迪執政期間,除了加強雙方的經貿往來外,在國際政治舞台上,馬哈迪堅持的「亞洲價值」,更是馬中雙方對於區域外強權的一致立場。然而在馬中友好關係中,卻隱藏一些不安定因子,如馬來西亞境內的華人、馬來共產黨以及南海主權等問題,影響著雙方的交往。 馬哈迪的政治特質更是強勢主導整個馬來西亞的內政外交走向,其確保馬來西亞的國家利益與東南亞的區域團結上不遺餘力,最終的理想則是建立「東亞經濟共同體」,而其雛形「東亞經濟核心會議」透過「東協加三」框架運作下,已漸漸有了完整的組織結構。


馬來西亞 中國 馬哈迪 亞洲價值


The two Asian countries Malaysia and China established diplomatic ties in 1974. Since then, they have had very close contacts in political, economic and cultural fields. The current "best bilateral relations" should be attributed to Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad who served as Malaysia’s prime minister between 1981 and 2003. This paper focuses on the relations between Malaysia and China when Mahathir was in power, aiming to review the history and analyze those factors that may influence bilateral relations. Also, there are discussions on the changes of China-Malaysia relationship under both international and internal conditions . Under the Mahathir era, Malaysia had increased bilateral relations with China in economic and trade fields, and Mahathir’s insistence on the so-called Asian values had also become a shared standing when these two countries faced great powers outside this region. However, there had been some unstable factors such as the Malaysian Chinese,the Communist Party of Malaya and the conflicts regarding South China Sea islands that had more or less affected this relationship. It is Mahathir’s personal characteristic to dominate Malaysia’s domestic and foreign policies. He had devoted to protecting Malaysia’s national interest and uniting Southeast Asian countries. His ultimate goal is to establish an "ASEAN Community”. And its prototype "East Asia Economic Caucus " is becoming better organized under the framework of "ASEAN plus 3 ".


Malaysia China Mahathir Asia Value


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