  • 學位論文


The Transformation of Music Industry in Japan -- The New Type of Business Brought by Digital Music

指導教授 : 洪振義


從1980年代到1990年代,音樂從類比化時代進展到數位化時代。進入數位音樂時代之後,日本音樂實體商品銷售額在1998年到達6075億之銷售高峰後一路呈現下滑的狀態。音樂實體商品的銷售成績萎靡的原因除了被認為是盜版猖獗之外,最大的影響是來自于音樂數位化及網路高速發展。   MP3音樂檔案下載及MP3隨身聽的出現,讓網路付費音樂下載快速崛起。網路的高度使用讓從來的音樂產業起了巨大的變革,透過網路購買音樂的消費者持續增加,而在網路上交換音樂檔案的情形更是盛行。早期日本的唱片公司,由於投入付費音樂下載的成效不彰以及擔心無形商品的販賣會影響實體商品的銷售,因而呈現消極抵抗的姿態。但隨著數位音樂時代的發展及網路付費下載的成績持續成長,日本的唱片公司的態度轉變,將原本主打的實體銷售作部分重心的轉移,積極投入付費下載市場以奪回流失的銷售金額為最終目標。   而在重心轉移之際,從來的產業結構也發生了改變,其中直接衝擊到唱片零售業及中間業者。不過也拜網路之賜,創作者可在平台分享自己的作品,歌手亦可直接在網路平台上與消費者接觸。在收聽音樂作品的管道漸趨方便之下,演唱會等的現場演出價值也漸漸上升。   本論文將對數位音樂為日本的音樂產業帶來巨大的變化之中,唱片公司會提出怎樣的策略應對、唱片零售業該如何在危機中求生存、歌手與消費者的關係將會如何改變,以及今後日本的音樂產業的發展進行探討。


From 1980s to 1990s, music format had turned into digital from analogy. After entering the digitized music era, the sales of visual music merchandise in Japan have decreased ever since it reached the summit of the sales, 607.5 trillion, in 1998.  The reasons why visual music market keeps shrinking are not only due to the rampant piracy, but also the digitization of music and the fast development of Internet.  Because MP3 music format and digital walkman were invented, the internet subscription of music got popular quickly. With the high dependence on the internet, the number of internet users who download music and exchange music with friends online kept growing. Thus, it had a great impact on Japanese music industry.  Japanese music corporations used to passively resist the sales of digital music since the result of online downloading was poor at the beginning, and the invisibility of merchandise could also affect the sales of visual music. Yet, they changed their attitude, and shifted their strategies into “online music store” market.  After the corporations made such massive reform, the structure of music industry was changed too. It impacted all the retailers and the middleman. However, thanks to the internet, the music artists can share their music, and keep in touch with audience online.  This paper will discuss how Japanese music corporations shifted the strategy in this massive change of music industry, how the retailers survived in this crisis, and how will the relationship be changed between singers and customers in the future. And the following development of Japanese music industry.


1. 生明俊雄(2004)『ポピュラー音楽は誰が作るのか 音楽産業の政治学』徑草書房
2. 伊丹敬之・加護野忠男(1993)『ゼミナール経営学入門』日本経済新聞社
3. 猪熊建夫(2005)『日本のコンテンツビジネス─ネット時代にどう変わる』新風舎


