  • 學位論文


Cultural Space of the Creative City : A Study of Urban Regeneration Station Impact on Taipei City

指導教授 : 米復國


臺北市是個已發展成熟的城市,在此區域中由於都市紋理與空間格局受早期交通建設、道路分割、地區規劃、住宅建物興建林立等不同時序情形開發影響,而產生零星且區塊不整的閒置空間;或者是有些舊有建物已經不符合時代潮流的需求,無法提供效益。故臺北市都市更新處就將這些閒置空間轉化其原有用途,透過「都市再生前進基地」計劃之執行與推動,將此計劃下的據點分別依序其在地特色、文化特質等要件來重新定位。而本研究考量到中山區獨特魅力的人文景觀、環境氛圍,故揀選「中山創意基地」為深入探討的區域案例。 「中山創意基地」因受臺北市都市更新處委託給忠泰建築文化藝術基金會經營,在經營期間內透過新思維的文化想像,被轉型打造成為設計育成中心的形態,並透過開放三樓空間予以建築師、藝術家及文化創意工作者等各種跨領域專業設計者進駐其中。故研究的重點,將憑藉田野調查、訪談的方式,來檢視這三年期間,基金會是如何透過公私協力手法來掌握藝企合作的訣竅,整合各行動者的資源;進駐單位是如何在此空間場域下,形塑良好的交流互動及彼此間競合的平台;而這兩方又是如何藉由活動的展出及舉辦,己身的專業領域及成果來回饋社區、消費者與參觀者,進而創造在地連結與凝聚力、建立地方共同記憶跟社區意識。 因為目前「都市再生前進基地」計劃它本身基地條件是浮動式、有時效性的暫時空間,所以希望透過這個據點的成果,觀察此設計空間與鄰里社區網絡、地方紋理能否營造出藝文創作與城市生活的密切關連,激發並提升人們對生活美學的想像與實踐,建構出好的創意文化氛圍,並且將基地發展過程上面臨的課題與困難,統合好提出建議予以日後計劃其他之據點參考。


Taipei City is an already developed city in this area ,due to the urban texture and spatial pattern by early transportation construction, road segmentation, regional planning, residential buildings construction of buildings, such as different timing scenario development impact, and produce sporadic and the block is not the whole of idle space; or some old buildings no longer meet the needs of the times, can not provide benefits. Therefore, at the Taipei City Urban Renewal will these unused space transformed its original purpose, through the " Urban Regeneration Station " and to promote the implementation plan, under this plan were sequentially its stronghold in the characteristics, cultural characteristics and other requirements to re-positioning. In this study, taking into consideration the unique charm of the cultural landscape of the mountains, ambience, it chose "URS21" for further research on the regional case. "URS21" due to the urban renewal of the faithful entrusted to Taipei City Cultural Arts Foundation building business, during business through the cultural imagination of new thinking, is restructuring into a form design incubation centers, and through the open floor space to be architects, artists and cultural workers and other cross-cutting professional creative designers stationed them. Therefore, the focus of the study, will rely on fieldwork, interviews, to examine the three-year period, the Foundation is through public - private partnership approach to how to master the trick art enterprise cooperation, integration of the various actors resources; stationed units is how this under the space field, shaping a good interaction with each other and among competing platforms; but by the two parties is how to display and organize activities, relies instead on areas of expertise and results come back to the community, consumers and visitors , and then create links to the ground and cohesion, build a sense of community with a common memory areas. Because the current " Urban Regeneration Station " program which itself is floating base conditions, there is timeliness temporary space, so hope the results of this stronghold to observe this design space and neighborhood community networks, local textures can create a creative arts and closely related to urban life, inspire and enhance people's lives and practice of aesthetic imagination, to construct a culture of good ideas .


