  • 學位論文


A Study on Cross Intellectual Property Litigation – A Case Study on Mouse Trade Secrets Litigation.

指導教授 : 黃明達


因個案公司遭受美國企業運用商業訴訟之手段,阻止個案公司之產品銷售至美國,因此個案公司亟欲尋求訴訟策略方向,期待分析美國與個案類似的商業訴訟案例,彙整出應注意之關鍵,提供個案公司在此訴訟案件中參考的方向。 透過個案研究方法,本研究發現營業秘密本身是一種資訊,其可以是技術性之資訊,也可以是非技術性之商業資訊,只要其可用於生產、銷售或經營上,並符合法律規範之要件,均可成為相關法律保護之客體。 本研究建議個案公司採用以下對策:(1)積極取得不侵權鑑定;(2)積極蒐證並提出答辯;(3)進行和解或合作談判。以期能夠幫助個案公司在目前之商業訴訟中能夠獲得較佳的情勢。並綜合探討管理面與法律面問題之配合,提出建議策略供國內企業及早建立制度,避免遭受國際商業訴訟之苦。


This Case Company suffers business litigation from American that prohibits its products to be sold in United States and therefore resulted to its eagerness for the proper litigation strategy toward such. By analyzing thousands of similar litigations in United Stated, it is expected to find the key points to be focused and also lead to better direction and strategy for future litigation. The study mainly finds that trade secret itself is a kind of information which could be either technical or non-technical, and it is also being protected as long as it is of application toward manufacturing, sales and management along with certain met criteria. This study recommends the Case Company to take the following actions: (1) positive non-infringement identification; (2) collect evidence actively and plead defensively; (3) reconciliation or negotiations on cooperation. The above recommendations can assist the case company to have the advantage of situation in the commercial litigation. Through comprehensive investigation in the management and legal issues with recommendations for domestic enterprises to establish a system as soon as possible to avoid suffering the pain of the international commercial litigation.


[4]. Yin, R K. Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage, International Education and Professional. 2003.
[6]. United States Patent and Trademark Office, http://www.uspto.gov/about/stats/index.jsp,
[17]. United States International Trade Commission, http://www.usitc.gov/press_room/337_stats.htm, 上網時間:2011/10。
一、 英文文獻
[1]. David D. Friedman and William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner, “Some Economics of Trade Secret Law“, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 1, Page61-Page72, 1991.
