  • 學位論文


Basic design of the process for production of glucose and lignin from wheat straw

指導教授 : 張煖


為因應全球能源需求提升與全球暖化日漸嚴重議題,擁有低碳足跡與永續特性之再生能源成為眾人研究目標;其中生質酒精可作為汽車之替代燃料,為現今人類龐大的汽油需求提供另一種管道。 生質酒精因原料差異可區分成第一代與第二代,分別為糧食作物與農林業廢棄物,前者因與人類爭食議題而被後者取代;傳統上,農林業廢棄物最普遍的處理方式是將其燃燒,這導致溫室氣體之排放與造成空氣汙染,若應用於生產生質酒精,除了達成廢物再利用之外,亦可減少地球之負擔,可謂一舉兩得。 本報告呈現一個第二代生質酒精前處理程序之基本設計、最佳化分析與成本/經濟效益分析。程序之進料為50噸/日之麥稈,經由乙醇溶劑前處理與纖維素酵素水解,生產葡萄糖,副產品為木質素,可作為化學品之添加劑。 最佳設計將乙醇溶劑回收率由95%提高至98%,每年將可節省約6,400萬新台幣之物料成本;在酵素水解反應方面,將反應時間由72小時降低至24小時,因設備成本與蒸氣成本之降低,年總成本可節省14%;因麥稈為廢棄物,若可不計其成本,每年將可節省約2,900萬新台幣之原料成本;若於前處理步驟之後可開發酸移除程序,將可因設備材質等級下降,進而節省約2,900萬新台幣之設備成本。採用這些設計之程序的葡萄糖與木質素產量分別為5,099噸/年與2,416噸/年,年總成本約3.7億新台幣。


In response to the increasing global energy demand and the issues of global warming, renewable energy with low carbon footprint and sustainability has become an important research topic. Bioethanol can be generated from renewable energy and can be used as an alternative fuel. The first-generation bioethanol is derived from food sources and the second-generation bioethanol utilizes non-food-based biomass sources such as agricultural and forestry wastes. The utilization of the agricultural and forestry wastes as bioethanol source can save also prevents the greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution from waste burning. This report presents the basic design, optimization analysis and cost/economic analysis of a second-generation bioethanol pretreatment process. The raw material of the process is 50 tons/day of wheat straw, which is pretreated by ethanol solvent followed by enzyme hydrolysis of cellulose to produce glucose. The by-product is lignin, which can be used as chemical additives. The optimal design of the process increases the ethanol solvent recovery rate from 95% to 98%, which will save raw material cost by NT$64 million per year. For enzyme hydrolysis, the reaction time is reduced from 72 hours to 24 hours to save equipment cost and steam cost, a reduction of 14% of total annual cost can be obtained. Since wheat straw is a waste, if it can be supplied with zero cost, the saving of raw material cost is NT$29 million per year. Suppose acid removal technology can be developed and applied following the pretreatment step, the equipment cost can be reduced by about NT$29 million due to cheaper materials of construction can be used. Employing the designed process can produce about 5,099 tons/year and 2,416 tons/year of glucose and lignin, respectively. The total annual cost was approximately NT$370 million per year.


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