  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Selections from Records of the Historian in the Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 陳仕華


本論文由清人編選《史記》五本選本中,探討評註家的評註方法與個人觀點,以窺見清代的選文標準,並印證該時代文學的審美觀。   第一章 緒論:分述研究目的、研究方法及前人研究成果,作為本論文的研究依據。   第二章 選本的簡介:從評註家的生平、選本的編輯旨意、選本的體例著手,並探討這些選本的特色及影響。   第三章 各家選篇分析:比較各選本所收錄《史記》之篇章,發現其中有著極高的重複性,故更進一步探討出各選本收錄或節錄該篇的原因,也更進一步了解《史記》的價值。   第四章 各家評註內容分析:此章由各家註解之分析,可將清代評註家之評註語分為兩大類,其一是幫助讀者讀懂《史記》,藉由多方面的評點,讓讀者更明白司馬遷的苦心孤詣,其二是分析司馬遷的為文之法,如文章結構的安排、寫作手法的揭示等,讓讀者對司馬遷寫作的藝術技巧有了更進一步的了解。   第五章 結論:總括上述的研究成果,可以得到以下結論,清代評註家們更深、更廣的評註,目的是為了課子弟,以作為科舉考試之基礎。而分析這些評註語,也可發現與清代的審美趣味、思想傾向相契合。


This thesis is edited and selected by the Qing dynasty in the five editions of "Historical Records" to explore the commentary methods and personal views of the commentators, to glimpse the selection criteria of the Qing Dynasty, and to confirm the aesthetics of literature in this era.   The first chapter is an introduction: the research purpose, research methods and predecessors' research results are used as the research basis of this thesis.   The second chapter is a brief introduction to the selection: starting with the life of the commentator, the editorial will of the selection, the style of the selection, and exploring the characteristics and influence of these selections.   The third chapter is the analysis of each selected article: comparing the chapters of "Historical Records" collected by each of the selected books, and found that there is a very high degree of repetitiveness, so further explore the reasons for the inclusion or excerpt of the selected articles, and further Understand the value of "Historical Records.   The fourth chapter is the analysis of the content of each commentary: this chapter is divided into two categories by the analysis of each annotation. The first is to help readers to read the "Historical Records", with many comments. To make readers more aware of Sima Qian's painstaking efforts, the second is to analyze Sima Qian's method of writing, such as the arrangement of the article structure, the disclosure of writing techniques, etc., so that readers have a better understanding of the artistic skills of Sima Qian's writing.   The fifth chapter is the conclusion: summarizing the above research results, we can get the following conclusions. The Qing Dynasty commentators have deeper and broader commentary, aiming to teach their children to serve as the basis for the imperial examination. The analysis of these commentaries can also be found to be in line with the aesthetic tastes and ideological tendencies of the Qing Dynasty.



