  • 學位論文


The Fatalism of KUNIKIDADOPPO ―Focusing on KUNIKIDADOPPO’s Novel 「Gennodi」「Unmeironsya」「Kyusi」―

指導教授 : 王憶雲


本論文是根據作品各時期的變化,探討國木田獨步文學中的命運觀。在既有的獨步文學研究中,幾乎都是進行關於小民描寫的分析。本論文認為,作者的作品背景裡的命運觀,就是獨步透過自己的人生和周圍的經驗來培養出來的,因此在本論文中想加以探討及分析。 本論文分析的作品分別是以下這三部<源叔父>、<宿命論者>、<窮死>,都是以人物命運和獨步的生涯做對照,從這三部作品中的命運觀衍生出本論文想探討獨步在寫作這三篇作品時的命運觀有何關連性。 本論文一共分為五個章節,緒論中的先行研究,考察獨步的人生經歷及對於生死和命運之中的基本想法。其初期到後期的作品中分析命運觀的變化。透過作品分析來確認,獨步在每個階段中背負著命運觀的課題。由於,獨步和信子離婚受到很大的打擊,因此在作品中反映出命運觀的思想感情。 在各章節中分別探討及分析每個作品,第一章分析的是「源叔父」在作品中描寫愛與離別,以及孤獨感和命運觀的關聯性。此作品中的命運觀是,人是孤獨的。第二章分析的是「宿命論者」在作品中特別強調的是人對於未知的命運充滿無力感之描寫。在「宿命論者」中將命運歸諸於超越人為的力量,且人永遠無法逃離既定的命運之軌,也無法自我開拓命運。人只好默默接受命運的存在。到了晚年,獨步最終要孤獨面向死亡,對於瀕臨死亡邊緣的命運,將死亡視為不可逃避的事實也只能認命地屈服。根據這樣的分析,在第三章晚年的作品「窮死」中,同時出現對於命運及生死的觀點,也表達自己對命運感到絕望及不久會面臨死亡的無能為力。 總之,獨步文學的命運觀就是獨步自己的人生投影,在人生中表現出如何去面對從生到死的過程。而獨步在自己的文學作品中,如何去刻劃面對現實社會的苦惱,去接受,而將命運觀寄託於作品上在思想背景中也呈現出現實社會的悲哀


This thesis aims to explore the significance of fatalism in Kunikida Doppo’s literary works, fictions in particular. Speaking of Kunikida Doppo’s literary writings, he has delineated the theme of the lower class during his time. However, the discussion on life and death, miserable destiny of human beings is also explicitly presented in his literacy works, which becomes Kunikida Doppo’s imperative materials of writings. Based on the above thoughts, I will apply three of Kunikida Doppo’s literary works to prove my argument: 「Gennodi」, 「Unmeironsya」, and 「Kyusi」. Through the discussion of the three literary works and the analysis the characters in the stories, we attempt to realize his definition of fatalism. In addition, based on Kunikida Doppo’s life career, this thesis will also focus on the factors that have a great influence on the change of fatalism. The content of the thesis will be discussed as follows. In the previous study, first of all, I will take Kunikida Doppo’s life experience and his attitude towards life and death into consideration. I will also analyze the change of his definition of fatalism from his early works to his late works. Kunikida Doppo always burdens the difficulty of destiny in each of his life stages. When examining his literary works, readers will understand that Doppo’s early works, immensely influenced by his divorce with his ex-wife, especially pay attention to love and separation, in which he is always bothered by a sense of loneliness. In his literary works, he tries to discover that the destiny of human beings lies in loneliness, which is one part of restricted trials during the process of life. Feeling the incredibility of destiny, Kunikida Doppo in his mid-term works tries to contemplate the problem whether the destiny is mastered by God and won’t be changed, or human beings can transcend their own destiny on their own. For Kunikida Doppo, terrible destiny however, lies in the fact that no one can really escape from death, which appear as a major theme in his late works. Kunikida Doppo presents his despair towards his destiny, facing the destiny that he himself cannot master in his life. The significance of fatalism in Kunikida Doppo’s literary works does not only projects part of his life; more importantly, readers are able to realize how he presents the process of life he goes through the destiny from birth to death. In addition to his transcendence of distress and the acceptance of his destiny, his literary works also center on his emotions, presenting the sorrow of the society.


