  • 學位論文


A study on the teachers’ perception of character education and the implementation of character education in primary schools in New Taipei City.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討為輔,旨在探討新北市國民小學教師對品德教育的認知與對品德教育實施成效的看法。本研究主要目的有: 一、探討新北市國小教師對品德教育的認知。 二、探討新北市國小教師對品德教育實施成效之看法。 三、分析不同背景的新北市國小教師對品德教育認知的差異情形。 四、分析不同背景的新北市國小教師對品德教育實施成效看法的差異情形。 五、根據研究結果提出未來推動品德教育政策改革之建議。 本研究以分層隨機選樣方法抽選21所學校的教師,發出463份問卷,回收有效問卷427份,有效問卷回收率為92.22%。 本研究的結論主要有: 一、教師感受到的品德教育認知為中高程度,其中以在「品德教育目標」構面認知程度最高,「品德教育評量」最低 二、教師對品德教育實施成效多持正面看法,對實施成效之評價屬中高程度,其中以對「品德教育目標」實施成效的評價最高,「品德教育評量」最低 三、教師對品德教育的認知,會因性別、任教年資及是否兼任行政職務而有顯著差異。 四、就整體構面而言,教師對品德教育的認知在年齡、學歷、教師身份、任教學校規模、在國小累積任教年資、及兼任行政職務累積年資等變項上,均無顯著之差異。 五、就整體構面而言,教師對品德教育實施成效的看法會依性別、教師身份、任教學校規模、在目前學校任教年資、是否兼任行政職務,而有顯著差異。 六、就整體構面而言,教師的品德教育實施成效在年齡、學歷、在國小累積任教年資、兼任行政職務累計年資等變項上,未有顯著之差異。 七、在各個別構面,部分不同背景變項間教師對品德教育的認知與實施成效之看法具顯著之差異。 八、教師對品德教育的認知與對品德教育實施成效的認同度間呈現中度正相關


This study mainly aims, via adopting the methods of questionnaire survey and literature review, to explore teachers’ perception of character education and its effectiveness in primary schools of New Taipei City. The main purposes of this study include: 1.To explore teacher’s perception of character education in primary schools of New Taipei City.. 2.To explore teachers’ attitude towards the effectiveness of character education in primary schools of New Taipei City.. 3.To analyze the differences of teachers with different backgrounds in their perception of character education. 4.To analyze the differences of teachers with different backgrounds in their attitudes towards the effectiveness of character education. 5.To propose suggestions, based on the research findings, useful for the reform of related policies in the future.. The questionnaires of this study, via stratified random sampling, were sent to 463 teachers in 21 public primary schools in New Taipei City. 427 valid questionnaires were returned and analyzed, with a response rate of 92.22% The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.Teachers hold moderately supportive perception of character education, while the dimension of ‘goals of character education’ having the most positive support, the dimension of ‘assessment of character education’ gain the least. 2.Teachers’ attitudes towards the effectiveness of character education tend to be highly positive, while the dimension of ‘goals of character education’ valued the highest, the dimension of ‘assessment of character education’ valued the lowest. . 3. Teachers’ perception of character education varied significantly with their gender, the years of teaching in the schools they are serving, and whether taking administrative posts. 4. From the dimension as a whole, there were no significant differences in the perception of teachers in terms of their age, educational qualifications, status of teachers, school size, the accumulative years of teaching, as well as years of administrative work. 5. From the dimension as a whole, teachers’ attitudes towards the effectiveness of character education varied significantly with gender, status of teachers, school size, the years of teaching in the schools they are serving, and whether taking administrative posts. 6. From the dimension as a whole, there were no significant differences in teachers' attitudes towards the effectiveness of character education in terms of their age, educational qualifications, status of teachers, school size, the accumulative years of teaching, as well as accumulative years of administrative work. 7. In some individual indicators or items, significant differences are found in the teachers’ perception of character education and their attitudes towards the its effectiveness, respectively . 8.There is a moderate positive correlation between teacher’s perception of character education and their attitudes towards its effectiveness


