  • 學位論文


A Study on the Work Pressure Consciousness and Coping Strategies of the Procurement Personnel of National Schools

指導教授 : 楊朝祥


本研究係爲了探討政府採購法實施後,學校採購人員在新法規下,其所知覺的工作壓力情形。瞭解其現況、變化與工作壓力的來源。基於文獻探討及本研究之結果,提出具體建議,供採購主管機關、管理單位、學校採購人員及後續研究者之參考。 本研究所採用的方法主要為問卷調查法,研究對象以國立大學校院及國立高中職校擔任採購業務人員為主,進行抽樣調查。回收問卷為167份,有效問卷為155份。資料處理部分以SPSS for Windows 12.0中文套裝軟體為主,進行統計分析。 根據文獻探討與本研究發現,歸納如下:一、國立學校採購人員具有中度工作壓力。二、國立學校採購人員最大工作壓力為「工作負荷」面向之影響。 三、國立學校採購人員面對工作壓力多採取積極正向的壓力因應方式,較不會選擇「逃避宣洩」的因應方式。四、國立學校採購人員以女性30歲以下年齡者、5年以上採購工作年資者及服務於國立高中職校之採購人工作壓力知覺較高。五、國立學校採購人員具有良好的壓力因應程度。六、大部分採購人員的背景變項不會影響國立學校採購人員面對壓力時所採取之因應方式。七、人格特質對工作壓力與因應方式具有顯著之影響。至於國立學校採購人員工作壓力知覺較高主要壓力源如下,在「工作負荷」方面有:「工作中必須承擔很多責任」、「工作時常常被打斷或受到干擾」、「工作量大,有時間壓力,人手不足,採購程序繁瑣」、「因同事間權責不分,事權不明,常使採購人員無所適從」。在「生涯規劃」方面有:「因為擔任採購工時有潛在危機與陷阱,但並沒有獲得適當的工作保障」、「覺得工作的努力及表現,並沒有獲得應有的尊重」、「很希望更換其他性質的工作,但沒有機會」。在「專業知能」方面有:「需要增加法律基本知識的學習」、「具有採購專業知識技能的採購人員,反而被採購專業與工作綁住,無法更換其它工作,造成採購人員對未來事業發展產生疑惑與困擾」。在「行政支持」方面有:「因對採購法見解不同、立場不同,使採購案件進行不順利」、「由於採購工作繁瑣,工作量分配不平均,人員不能相互協助支援」、「同事間行政配合度不佳,或採購工作遇到困難時,直屬長官未能及時給予輔導與支持」等。 基於上述研究結果,對採購主管機關的建議:應提升採購人員法學素養、採購理論與實務研習兼重、加強採購法令宣導、合理減輕採購人員責任。至於對國立學校採購主管階層的建議有:培訓儲備採購專業人員、尊重支持採購專業意見、預先規劃採購前置作業、協助解決採購疑難、合理分配工作、採購專業資格納入升遷優先考量、選任採購人員考量人格特質。同時,對國立學校採購人員的建議,包括:應熟悉採購法令相關規定、加強法學專業素養、謹慎細心辦理採購程序、積極溝通協調化解問題、自我理性思考以化解壓力。


After the enforcement of Governmental Procurement Law, school procurement personnel were under stress because of being in change of new regulations. This study aimed to investigate the current situations, differences, and sources of work stress among school procurement personnel and to find out solutions on coping with the stress. Based on the literature reviewed and results of research, recommendations were proposed as references for procurement competence authorities, management units, school procurement personnel, and further researchers. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire which was developed by the researcher. The questionnaire was designed based on related literature reviewed and was tested by T-test and pilot study later. Based on the results of the pilot test, the questionnaire was modified and improved. Investigated subjects in this research study were procurement personnel at national colleges, universities, senior high schools, and vocational schools. The returned questionnaires were 167 and 155 of them were valid. The SPSS for Windows 12.0 was adopted to analyze data which were collected through questionnaires. The conclusions of this study were the followings: first of all, school procurement personnel of national schools had job-related stress on workload. next, they had positive solutions to cope with the job-related stress. thirdly, female purchasers under the age of thirty, with more than five-year working experience, and serving in national senior high schools and vocational schools tended to have more job-related stress. Variable backgrounds of procurement personnel made no differences on solutions which procurement personnel adopted to cope with job-related stress. School procurement personnel seldom dodged their responsibilities or vented when facing job-related stress. Personalities had significant effects on job-related stress and solutions, procurement personnel used different solutions when facing different job-related stress. In term of workload, sources of job-related stress among procurement personnel of national schools had came from “I had to take lots of responsibilities in work,” “I had been interpreted or bothered in work,” and “I had deadline pressure.” In terms of “career planning,” sources of job-related stress among procurement personnel of national schools had came from “I cared more about job security than promotion,” “I had to bear the responsibilities and consequences because of the unintentional mistakes and such mistakes would affect my future,” and “There was no chance to promotion.” As far as “professional knowledge,” sources of job-related stress among procurement personnel of national schools had came from “I had to learn more from other fields, particularly in the law,” “The professional training I had was insufficient for my job,” and “My job did not fit with my interest.” Finally, in terms of “administrative support,” sources of job-related stress among procurement personnel of national schools had came from “I was bothered because of lacking consensus among different departments,” “I was bothered because of lacking support from the colleagues,” and “I was bothered because of lacking cooperation among colleagues.” Recommendations based on the above conclusions were proposed as follows. The procurement competence authorities should cultivate the jurisprudence competence of Civil Law among procurement personnel, emphasize the procurement theories and practicum, emphasize the dissemination of Governmental Procurement Law, and reasonably reduce the workloads of purchasers. Secondly, the purchasing managerial executors of national schools should train procurement professional, respect and support their professional ideas, plan procurement tasks in advance, provide assistance in solving problems, reasonably allocating the job, make professional competence as the first priority for promotion, and take personalities into consideration when hiring procurement personnel. In addition, procurement personnel from national schools should be familiar with procurement-related laws, be cultivated with law competence, be careful in the process of purchasing, be active to communicate in order to solve the problems, and be self-regulated when facing job-related stress.


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