  • 學位論文


Investigation on Learning Effects of Summary-Strategies Integrated into the Social Studies for the Elementary Students

指導教授 : 徐新逸


摘要策略可幫助讀者對段落內容及全文內容重要概念的確認與陳述,能做有系統地歸納整理。本研究旨以摘要策略融入國小社會學習領域教學,探討學生的摘要策略運用能力、學業成就表現及學習滿意度,藉以探討國小社會學習領域教學之策略。以新北市S國小五年級4個班(104位)學生為研究對象,以臺灣史「唐山過台灣」為教學內容,以摘要策略工作單、學業成就測驗及教學回饋單為研究工具。採用準實驗教學設計,分為實驗組(52人)與對照組(52人),各組教學時數為360分鐘(9節),比較摘要策略教學與一般教學之實施成效。 經由敘述統計、成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、多變量變異數分析之研究結果顯示:1.摘要策略教學能提升學生摘要策略運用能力,學生的「擷取」能力表現更為精準,「簡化」能力表現更為精緻,「統整」能力表現更為完整;2.摘要策略教學能提升學生社會學習領域學業成就表現,以「政治」向度之主題知識概念學習成效最佳,並能提升學生「簡化」的摘要策略運用能力;3.學生對摘要策略教學能提升學習成效之滿意度表現頗高。 最後,依研究結果提出之建議如下:1.未來可依多文本閱讀表現與摘要策略能力表現之關聯性做進一步探討;2.延長研究期程,以更有效觀察學生摘要策略能力之延續性與效率;3.建置更完善、周延的摘要策略能力表現分析規準,以確實瞭解學生摘要能力策略之運用表現情形。期盼作為未來相關研究的參考。


Implementing appropriate summary-strategies can help readers to learn important concepts of texts. This research was based on a teaching ofSummary-Strategies integrated into the Social Studies Learning Areas in an elementary school to understand students' learning and using ability in terms of Summary-Strategies, academic achievement scores, and degrees of learning satisfaction. We have selected and divided 104 fifth grade students into experimental and control group from New Taipei City, each group had 52 students. A quasi-experimental method was used to compare the use of the Summary-Strategies and traditional teaching approaches on student performance. We adopted the text "Tangshan to Taiwan" as the teaching content and each group underwent a 360-minute(9 class sessions)of teaching. Our research tools included the “Summary-Strategies Worksheet (SSW), the “Social Achievement Performance Test (SAPT)”, and student’s “Assessment of Learning Satisfaction(ALS)”. The results showed: 1. Implemented the Summary-Strategies teaching method can enhance students' Summary-Strategies Ability, their capturing ability could be more accurate, " Ability to simplify" to show more refined, and " Integration capabilities” to show more complete; 2. Summary-Strategies teaching method can enhance students' Academic achievement performance” of Social Studies Learning Areas. In particular, is the subject of "political" dimension of the concept of learning outcomes are best than others. At the same time can enhance students' Summary-Strategies Ability to use. 3. The satisfaction of student is high for Summary-Strategies teaching method can enhance students' Learning Outcomes. The results from the current research suggest the following follow-up study: 1. Systematically correlating the learning effect of multiple-text to students’ performance of Summary-Strategies Ability; 2. Extending the study periods to examine the efficiency of student’ Summary-Strategies Ability more accurately; 3. Developing a measurement gauge to evaluate the performance of student’ Summary-Strategies Ability more efficiently.


胡曉芬(2009)。從認知負荷理論談中年級國語文教學策略。教師之友, 50(4),88-95。
