  • 學位論文


Enforcing Civil Protection Orders:An Analysis of Perspectives of Domestic Violence Prevention Police Officers

指導教授 : 黃婉玲
共同指導教授 : 蕭怡靖(Yi-jing Xiao)


本研究藉由訪談臺北市政府警察局之家庭暴力防治人員,以瞭解目前警察機關推動保護令工作的現況,探討執行保護令過程中,有無遭遇窒礙難行的問題,以及如何能更有效地推動家庭暴力防治工作。研究結果歸納為以下幾點發現: (一)應針對家暴防治人員在辦理家庭暴力防治工作之業務項目進行實務討論,以提升其執行保護令工作的專業知能。 (二)建議推動派出所社區家防官證照制度,鼓勵有心從事家庭暴力防治工作的社區家防官能夠專責專用。 (三)建議警察機關應簡化業務,減少重點性、臨時性勤務,減輕員警工作負荷。 (四)建議可設計初階,及進階或精進工作坊,藉此加強警察人員在執行保護令工作時的專業知能及敏感度。 (五)提升員警處理家庭暴力案件獎勵規定。 (六)加強社政、衛政及司法機關與警察機關間的合作,如舉行定期性家庭暴力防治網絡會議或培力課程,以增強家庭暴力防治工作的共識與使命。 (七)強化警察與衛政、司法機關的合作,透過跨網絡會議及相關防治工作議題之工作坊等,提供不同網絡專業之間的瞭解,使家庭暴力防治工作在網絡合作的過程中能順利進行。


The purpose of this research is to discuss the character which police regarding domestic violence displayed, the problem they faced and the result they done. The research method of this study is the in-depth interview method, and the research subjects are the police regarding domestic violence of Shilin, Beitou, Xinyi and Neihu Branch. In order to understand the vertical connection in the implementation of domestic violence prevention and control, the research interviewed the community of the branch offices, as well as the police and contractors. The total number of interviews was 12. This research interviewed the full-time staff to understand the current situation of the police about promoting the protection order, and to explore whether the implementation of the protection order has encountered any problem that is difficult to deal with, and how to more effectively promote the prevention and control of domestic violence. The findings are summarized in the following three results: (1) The relationship between the roles of the dedicated personnel has been significantly improved. At the same time, it has also been found that the attitude of the superiors in support of the protection order work has a significant relationship with the professional ability of the branch defense officers. (2)Due to the continuous promotion of domestic violence prevention and prevention by the government agencies and non-government organizations. The number of violent notifications has grown year by year. The Law on Prevention and Control of Domestic Violence clearly stipulates the power of police officers to carry out domestic violence prevention and control, and increases the duties and responsibilities of the police in handling domestic violence cases. (3) Many cases are reluctant to ask the police for help because of the victim's soft feelings, or believe that if they are punished for the perpetrators, they may still need to pay the price aftermath, which will result in the victim's willingness to report. Compared with the impression of police public power enforcement, the role of social workers is of a caring nature and is closer to the victims. At this time, if the social security personnel timely intervene and assist, it will help to improve the willingness of the victim to seek help. The research results of this study can be used for the policing organs, the domestic violence safety protection network and the relevant units involved in the prevention and control of domestic violence.


