  • 學位論文


Use Analytic Hierarchy Process To Evaluate User Experience Design Factors For Talent Matchmaking Website And Usability Testing

指導教授 : 施建州


台灣網路人力資源平台發展競爭日益白熱化,了解在網路平台設計上,使用者經驗(User Experience)的要素對於網路人力資源平台的使用影響便是值得探討的議題。目前在網站設計使用者經驗上多以設計師本身經驗為主來做構面判斷,多使用嘗試方法來驗證,依照A/B test或是比較測試分析流量數據後才得出結論,較無客觀以及科學方法之根據,且較耗費時間以及成本。本研究先導入AHP方法決策,相較建立網站模型速度較快且成本較低,且降低設計時判斷失誤的風險。以AHP分析出權重結果顯示,網路人力資源平台較重視前三大要素為使用者個人隱私(資訊安全)、職缺質量以及人才認證、工作媒合效率。而在本研究之後的易用性分析亦證實了此三項因素在網路資源平台確可提升網站易用性,可作為人力資源平台業者在後續產品開發上之參考以及依據。


As competition among Internet platform for human resource usage increasing intensely, the effeteness and influence of User Experience in such platforms became a worth-discussing issue. Using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) as means to collect user experience elements on Internet platform for human resource and collaborating with usability test to verify how user experience effect user while using Internet platform for human resource, this research mainly discussed about how to enhance user experience and, what elements should future Internet platform for human resource developments focus on. In order to have a deeper understanding to former questions based on user experience, researcher collected related documents and Internet platform for human resource related user experience elements from expert interviews. Using AHP to elevate weight analysis of related elements and designing site model according to analysis result, researcher was able to conduct usability testing as verification method.As AHP analysis result shown, the top three elements of Internet platform for human resource were personal privacy/ information security, job vacancies quality/ candidate certification and candidate-vacancy matchmaking efficiency. The usability tests conducted also verified these three elements indeed promoted site usability, however, site users also took user interface and service process quite importantly. As conclusion, research suggested that among future Internet platform for human resource construction and improvement, the elements users caring the most were privacy and security of personal information, followed by job vacancy quantity and quality, last by certification of job vacancy and candidate.Taking advantage of former mentioned elements to design Internet platform for human resource, the user experience of platform should be improved.


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