  • 學位論文

戰後台灣鐵路管理局員工訓練所所內其使用語言之分析 -經由「本局員工訓練所移交資料」之轉寫研究-

The findings from the language of Taiwan Railways Administration Employee Training Center in postwar Taiwan: The research of transliteration for the handoff data from Taiwan Railways Administration Employee Training Center

指導教授 : 落合由治


台灣的鐵路建設從清末到日治,從日治到民國橫跨三個世代,鐵路建設影響台灣社會深遠,一舉一動接影響台灣社會的發展。尤其是日治時期的鐵路建設,更是台灣社會近代化的一大契機。 而鐵路的建設,與鐵路從業人員所接受的教育以及用語密不可分,然而一直以來台灣有關交通建設的研究,多偏重於交通建設所帶來的影響,以及經濟發展,對鐵路從業人員的教育少有著墨,而對於從業人員的語言使用的相關論文更是付之闕如。 戰後的台灣處於一個語言過渡期,中國政府所推動的國語、日治時期所教育的日語、台灣當地所使用的台語,這些語言不僅是影響了從業人員,也刻劃出戰後台灣鐵路現場所呈現的溝通情形。 因此,本論文以鐵路教育機構「台灣鐵路管理局員工訓練所」所編撰的「本局員工訓練所移交資料」為研究對象,探討台灣戰後鐵路現場所使用的語言情形。「本局員工訓練所移交資料」不僅是戰後初期台灣鐵路管理局碩果僅存的珍貴史料,也是當年鐵路從業人員親手撰寫的第一手資料,透過此書我們可以一窺當年鐵路現場的語言使用情形。 「本局員工訓練所移交資料」雖是反映戰後初期鐵路現場語言使用情形的第一手資料,然而由資料年久失修,保存不易,再加上由人手書而成,在閱讀調查方面,造成極大個困難,因此本研究就透過轉寫,將本筆資料轉寫成電子檔,考察資料上所有的語言、表格、印章等表記符號,分析戰後台灣初期在「台灣鐵路管理局員工訓練所」所使用之語言狀況。


鐵路 轉寫 表記 語言狀況 戰後台灣


Account to past researches, most scholars agreed that Taiwan railway service started from Late Ch’ing Dynasty to ROC which was established in 1911. The period of the Japanese ruled Taiwan played the key role of the development of Taiwan Railway and Taiwan modernization. The construction of railway was connected with the education and languages of the railroader. However, most researches in Taiwan focused on the impact of transportation on Taiwan. Only few researches or papers made a study of the railway education and languages. The Japanese and Chinese influenced not only the railroader but also the way of their communication in Taiwan after war. Thus, this dissertation was based onthe handoff data from Taiwan Railways Administration Employee Training Center from the education institution Taiwan Railways Administration Employee Training Center and studied at the language and the way of communication for the railroader. The handoff data from Taiwan Railways Administration Employee Training Center is not only the most precious historical data but also the first-hand data from the railroader when the Japanese ruled Taiwan. Through these data, we can know how they communicated at work. Although the handoff data from Taiwan Railways Administration Employee Training Center is the first hand data, the data was hard to keep due to hand writing. The dissertation comprised the data by scanning and converting into electronic files and studied all languages, from, seals and signals from the data to analyze the way of using the way of using the language in Taiwan Railways Administration Employee Training Center in Taiwan after war.


18. 戴震予(2010)『一看就懂鐵道百科-臺灣鐵道完全揭密』遠足文化事業股份有限公司
15. 莊建華(2007)『戦後初期臺灣鐵路事業之研究』國立中央大學歴史研究所修士論文
19. 温文佑(2010)『戦後後臺灣史之研究』國立政治大學臺灣史研究所修士論文
1. 鐵道圖書局編 (1925)『英和對譯鐵道用語辭典』鐵道圖書局
