  • 學位論文


Experience Transfer System's Design and Construction-A Case Study in An Insurance Company

指導教授 : 徐郁輝


保險公司內勤是由一群具有保險精算、核保、金融商品投資、不動產投資、保險商品設計、資金運用、資訊管理等等專業知識與經驗的專業人員所組成。因此公司對於人員新進、離退職與工作輪調的狀況格外注重。當員工發生輪調或離退職時,造成人力資源斷層(The Gap of Human Resource),新手無法在短期間接手工作,不僅造成部門日常運作困難,也嚴重影響公司運作。   為了避免上述情形發生,建立標準作業程序(Standard Operation Procedure),簡稱SOP,成為公司必須推動的重大政策之一。調查目前已建立的各部門標準作業文件發現其中有三點問題:(1)SOP文件的編寫格式不一;(2)使用工具隨著編寫人員喜好而不同;(3)文件未集中管理,散落個人電腦或網路儲存磁碟機當中,難以尋找!當職務進行移交時,我們習慣以自然語言進行工作經驗交接,加上SOP文件素質良莠不齊,使得承接業務的新手對其交接內容困惑,造成無法正確執行工作,導致公司發生損失!為此本論文針對所謂的「工作經驗」透過電腦技術移轉進行討論與研究,並提出將公司內「經驗資本」移轉的解決方案。   本論文提出一套經驗移轉系統,由資深人員依自身經驗將工作內容分類,把所需的各式文件或影音建檔備便之後,依結構化格式撰寫SOP及相關作業流程。此系統融合知識管理系統的集中管理概念與物件化流程設計的特點,使承接工作的新手可在短時間內反覆揣摩與全盤了解的工作內容,實現「經驗資本移轉」。


An insurance company often composed of many professionals within its back on house departments. Therefore, employee movements often cause much impact. When it occurs, gap of human resources appears; new comers unable to pick up the work in short period of time which impacts to operation of the company.   In order to minimize the impact, setting up standard operation procedure, i.e. SOP, became a crucial policy for an organization. Research shows 3 obstacles exists in writing a SOP: (1) Inconstancy of SOP formats. (2) SOP writing software incompatibility. (3) Scattering documents managements. Files saved randomly in PC or desktop, difficult to locate them.   During the handover process, we often use nature language in transferring work experiences, on top of the SOP documents inconsistency; it often causes the confusion to company new comers, even causes damage to the company. Captioned thesis is to discuss and research on transferring the “hands-on experiences” via computer technology, and offer the solutions for organizations to pass on their intellectual experience properties.   Per thesis provide a framework for transferring experiences. This is prototyped by a senior staff categorized his/her work contents, documents, and media then writing the SOPs and procedures through a structural formats. This framework helps all new comers understand the certain work contents within a short time repeatedly, further to deliver the result of transferring experience properties.


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