  • 學位論文


The Current Situation in Japan’s Labor Market: Focusing on Diversified Forms of the Employment System and the Disparity Problems

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


在過去數十年間,伴隨勞動世界快速的全球化,日本的雇用狀況也產生了急速的變化。而長期支撐日本社會的日本雇用習慣,也因為外部全球化之進行,而無法維持一成不變的制度。而此雇用型態的變化,可說是以非正式職員的雇用型態者急增為首而形成的一種多樣化的雇用形態。 從1990年代後半開始,在經濟不景氣下,多數的日本企業為了打破的低迷的組織狀況,及提振業績,相繼導入了以成果主義為主的人事系統。特別是在西元2000年,以各大企業為中心,持續不斷的導入了此人事系統。因此也有人把西元2000年稱呼為「成果主義的元年」。此外,目前的日本企業在因應全球化、日本國內的少子高齡化及社會責任的實踐,多樣化人材的活用、提升對新興國家企業的競爭力以及加強獨特的創新能力等等的經營課題上,對於企業組織的行動及能力要不斷加強及提升是目前面臨的一個必要的課題。 而在全球化的時代下,為了因應變動如此快速的環璄,日本企業也不得不以迅速轉換經營策略來因應環境的所需。而隨著多樣化的雇用型態產生,最近的年輕人對於企業及組織的責任感愈來愈薄弱,而且對工作也有諸多的要求。和上一個世代相比,有愈來愈多的年輕人不斷的更換工作,或是不想找一份正式的工作,甚至有不想工作的傾向。因此對於失業、飛特族(自由兼職(打工)者)及尼特族(不升學、不就業、不進修或參加就業輔導,終日無所事事的青年族群)的年輕人的比例日漸攀升所產生的諸多雇用問題,已成為大家所關注的一個重要議題。 本研究為透過探討導入成果主義的日本企業的狀況及在因應全球化下日本企業組織產生了何種變化,進而說明目前在日本的勞動市場因多樣化的雇用型態產生所造成的差異問題。在結論方面,以下列三點為方向來說明目前日本勞動市場的現況,及日本的雇用體制未來的變化趨勢。一、日本勞動者的三種等級制度。二、從昭和的價值觀轉換成平成的價值觀。三、勞動市場的重大改革。


As the world’s labor markets have rapidly changed following globalization, Japanese employment system has dramatically varied during the past several decades. The employment system, which has supported the Japanese society over a long period of time, was unable to sustain further without any changes. The changes of employment system can be said that an increasing number of people in non-formal employment have become a main type of diversified forms of employment system. Since the late 1990s, due to economic recession, many Japanese companies have sequentially implemented result-based Human Resource Management to encounter depressed organizations and to boost the sales performances. Particularly, in 2000, large enterprises started to implement result-based Human Resource Management. Diversified forms of employment system led to the young people who have lost sincere commitment to the organizations. Also, they have more requirements for their jobs. Comparing with the older generation, more and more young people often change their jobs, or do not want to find a formal and permanent job, even dislike having a job. An increasing number of young people being unemployment, freeter, even dislike having a job have resulted in many problems of employment. Those problems have become an important issue among many concerns in the society. The purpose of this research is to explain the current situations caused by the disparity problems of diversified forms of employment system in Japanese labor market through studying the companies which were implemented result-based Human Resource Management and organizations changes. According to current situations, this research explains the trend of diversified employment system and the big ban of labor markets, the conclusion will be divided into three parts. 1. Three levels of the hierarchy system of Japanese labors. 2. The changing values from Heisei era to Showa era. 3. The big bang in the labor markets.


