  • 學位論文

運用即時通訊進行公務溝通所產生的影響: 溝通效能、工作壓力及焦慮

Impacts of Using Instant Messaging in Workplace Communication: Effectiveness, Occupational Stress and Anxiety

指導教授 : 李仲彬 黃婉玲


由於網路通訊技術不斷的進步,再加上智慧手機的普及,組織溝通的工具也隨之改變,而即時通訊能突破空間及時間限制,具有「即時訊息傳送」、「多對多交談」、「群組聯絡人管理」、「費用低廉」等特色,可降低經營成本及促進溝通效能,在私部門運用已多年,相關研究也不少;相較下,公部門直到2012年LINE於台灣推出後才陸續將之運用於公務溝通,本研究在探討政府部門運用即時通訊進行公務溝通後,從「即時通訊使用行為」面向對「溝通效能」與「工作壓力及焦慮」所產生的影響。 本研究研究透過量化方式,採Cronbach’s α係數作為分析問卷題目內部一致性的信度指標,以政府部門有利用即時通訊為公務溝通的公務人員為發放問卷對象,共回收有效問卷489份,統計方法採描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關、迴歸分析等。研究結果顯示,大部分人員經營6個以下公務群組,除了用即時通訊聯繫外尚輔以電話、電子郵件等工具強化溝通效果;每日處理即時通訊所需時間在2小時以下,若為上班時間,任務需求壓力並不會因使用何種溝通工具而產生差異,一旦是下班或休假,這種即時溝通效果強又方便,且節省費用的工具將容易增加任務需求壓力。 即時通訊是好的訊息通知管道,但並非良好的溝通管道。從「工欲善其事,必先利其器」及「人者心之器」的觀點看,工具本身無優劣之分,端視使用者如何運用;本研究建議管理者可訂定規則,約定使用時機、訊息內容範疇、期望回覆時間等,遇緊急事項除了發Line也需配合電話告知,避免將LINE的訊息傳遞當作主要溝通方式,得以有效運用輔助工具增進溝通效能,進而提升組織整體績效。


The Instant Messengers have becoming more and more popular nowadays. They upgrade communication methods between people in private and at work; break through the limitations by space and time; and brings benefits to organizations not only of the efficacy communication but also a better budget control with lower expense. The main purposes of this research are to understand the effects of using Instant messenger, the LINE, on communication effectiveness, occupational stress and anxiety. This research anlayizes a data collected via a paper-based questionnaire survey submitted to only civil servant who use instant messenger for communication for work purposes. There are 489 valid respondents. By using descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis, the results show: 1) the average number of LINE groups civil servants participated in is below six. 2) Besides LINE, traditional phones and e-mail are also used to enforce communication quality. 3) On average, civil servants spent 2 hours on using instant messengers each day. 4) The levels of work pressure and anxiety will not have any difference by using Instant Messengers for work purposes during the business hours, but a certain raising up to higher levels when it is at off-business hours, weekends and holidays.   Instant messenger is good at noticing messages but not perfect for communication. The tool itself does not carry out right nor wrong ways. It is up to how people use it. As we say “Choosing the better tools, therefore jobs can be quickly done” and “ The Human being is after all the mind reaction”. This research suggests managers shall set up uisng guidelines, such as using timing, messages contents and expect replying time, etc. Besides, using phones in emergency cases apart from only using LINE. It is important to avoid using LINE as a main tool for communication. In other words, using instant messenger as a supplementary tool will reach even better communication effectiveness and to prompt the effective job accomplishments over all organizations.


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