  • 學位論文


A study of Erotic Power, Personal Relationships and Job Performance

指導教授 : 蔡政言


帥哥美女們長得好看,在職場上真的會影響他們在工作上的表現嗎?姿本力的表現是如何影響工作績效和薪資所得呢?本研究嘗試利用問卷調查的方式了解其相關性。針對男女對「外表關注度」、「外表對人際關係的影響」、「外表滿意度」等之各面向做交叉性分析;並將外表吸引力、姿本力細分至五個自變數,工作績效為應變數進行迴歸分析。研究結果發現,女性比男性更重視「外表關注度」,而男女在「外表對人際關係的影響」、「外表滿意度」的表現 上並無顯著差異。而外表吸引力、姿本力對工作績效之迴歸分析呈現正向顯著相關。


Will the employee who has handsome or beautiful appearance actually affect their job performance when they are working? How the power of Erotic really affects the job performance or the payment form their work. A descriptive survey design was adopted to collect the data. The purpose of the study was to realize the relation between physical appearance, the power of erotic and the job performance. Based on regression analysis, contingency table and the Chi-square test, the survey concluded: (a) an obvious positive relationship between physical attractiveness and job performance, and (b) an obvious positive relationship between the power of erotic and job performance, and (c) women pay more attention to appearance than men.


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