  • 學位論文


Analysis of Cross-Strait exchange and reciprocity relationship based upon the New-functionalism viewpoint

指導教授 : 翁明賢


論文提要內容: 兩岸在一九九一年台灣通過「國家統一綱領」、廢止「動員戡亂臨時條款」、成立「大陸委員會」及「海峽交流基金會」,同時中國大陸成立「海峽兩岸關係協調會」,兩岸開啟互動溝通管道,從此兩岸經貿往來,社會交流日益密切。因此,本文以哈斯(Ernst B.Haas)新功能主義的論點「政治精英態度、擴散效應、忠誠度轉移」為研究途徑,以解析台海兩岸互動關係。 本篇論文研究台海兩岸互動關係時,區分三個時期,第一個時期:一九九一年至一九九四年兩岸經過十五次談判互動頻繁,為兩岸協商時期。第二個時期:一九九五年至一九九九年兩岸多次瀕臨兵戎相見,為兩岸緊張時期。第三個時期:二○○○年至二○○四年台灣首次政黨輪替後,由民進黨執政兩岸陷入進退為谷狀態,為兩岸僵持時期。這三個時期彼此的差異非常大,將以哈斯新功能主義的論點,驗證對兩岸互動會產生何種變化與發展。 展望未來,兩岸經貿往來、社會交流日益頻繁,因政治精英的對立,兩岸互動並未產生「擴散效應」,反而處於嚴峻緊張的狀態。台灣為建構有利生存空間應尋求「聯美」-與美國建立「準軍事同盟的關係」。「和共」一與中國簽訂「中程協議」及建立「兩岸軍事互信機制」,以創造三贏的未來。


Abstract: In 1991, Taiwan enacted the “the Guidelines for National Reunification”, terminated “the Period of National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion”, established the “Mainland Affairs Council” and “Straits Exchange Foundation”, and at the same time, Chinese mainland also established the “Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits”, the two sides have set up the channels of communication. From that time on, the reciprocity of bi-lateral economy and trade, as well as the social exchange had gotten gradually close. Therefore, this essay was based upon the Ernst B. Haas’s New-functionalism viewpoint, political elite’s attitudes; spillover effect, loyalty shift, as a study approach, in order to analyze the relationship of mutual reaction across the Taiwan Strait. The study on the relationship of mutual reaction across the Taiwan Strait is separated in three phases. The first phase, from 1991 to 1994, the two sides reacted frequently and have experienced 15 negotiations, which period of time was regarded as the cross-strait consultation phase. The second phase, from 1995 to 1999, the two sides have always been in the brink of conflict, which period of time was regarded as the crisis phase. The third phase, from 2000 to 2004, after the first shift of ruling party in Taiwan history, the DPP regime transformed the cross-strait relationship into a dilemma, which period of time was regarded as the cross-strait stagnation phase. There were tremendous differences among the above three phases. By the viewpoint of Ernst B. Haas’s New-functionalism, this essay intends to examine the change and development that derived from the cross-strait exchange and reciprocity.


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