  • 學位論文


An Investigation on Skilled Migration from Japan to the Rest of East Asia

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


本文主要是針對從日本到東亞地區的技術移民依分類加以探討,以移動至東亞其他國家的原因這點作為立論的根基進行研究。並且從輸出國的角度,探討日本對東亞技術移民。再者,從日本的角度來看技術移民是人才流失或者是人才交流進行一連串的探討。主要從「政府」、「民間」兩個面向,對日本對外技術移民進行分析。在政府方面,從開發援助技術合作的專家派遣來探討。在企業方面,對於日本對東亞地區的對外投資進行分析,探討企業附隨對外投資派遣到東亞地區的管理及技術人員。以及以個人意願到東亞的研究人員、大學教授及專門職業人員。 研究發現在「政府」方面,日本一開始施行ODA時是以戰爭賠償及借貸為主,後來轉而重視「看的見的援助(顔が見える)」的支援,因此更加重視對於專家的海外派遣。「民間的企業」方面,設廠於海外的企業以降低成本的考量,因此隨著在海外經營時間的拉長,由海外派遣改為對當地員工進行訓練,以減少人事方面的開銷。「民間的個人移動」上,由於個人的移動如研究人員、教授及專門職業人員仍然大多是間接以政府經費補助或企業研發中心研究員的方式到東亞,目的在於學術交流或為了開發符合當地需求的產品。也發現在探討日本是人才流失或者是人才交流上,從移出時間長短、移出方向性及成效來看,結果顯示日本對東亞的技術移民關係是以短期、多向性。成效上技術移民促成國民外交、技術交流、協助海外企業及匯款的效果驗證日本的技術移民移出是以人才交流為主。


The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the classification of and the reasons for migration from Japan to the rest of East Asia. It also examines the skilled migration from an exporter point of view, aiming to access whether the skilled migration is a brain drain or a brain exchange to Japan. It further investigates the skilled migration from Japan to the rest of East Asia from both public and private perspectives. The government dimension discusses the dispatching of experts from Japan to provide technical support on Japanese ODA’s Technical Cooperation Projects. The private dimension refers to that FDI by Japanese firms, and their strategies to invest in East Asia. The paper further discusses the personal movement of researchers, professors and practitioners to East Asia. The research findings are as follows: First, Japan’s ODA policy has changed from reparation and loan to face-to-face support, especially on the dispatching of experts. Second, due to cut down the personnel costs, after a period of outbound investment the local employee training has supplanted company assignation as Japanese firms' investment policy. Third, researchers, professors and practitioners move to East Asia mainly for knowledge exchange or for developing new product design as required by local requirements or by Japanese government and industry. Finally, it was observed that the skilled migration from Japan to the rest of East Asia is a short-term and multi-directional movement. It has the effect of enhancing people-to-people diplomacy, technical exchange, support of Japanese oversea enterprises and remittances. The paper concluded that brain exchange was the main component of the skilled migrants from Japan.


