  • 學位論文


Studying the Integration Strategies for School-Community Resources in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 張鈿富


本研究旨在探討新北市教師知覺學校推動社區資源整合策略重要性與可行性之差異情形,以自編之「新北市學校社區資源整合策略調查問卷」為研究工具,對新北市現任合格之國民小學教師進行抽樣調查。問卷發放446份,有效樣本398份,以模糊平均數、反模糊實數、三角模糊數求距離等模糊統計方法進行統計分析。根據本研究調查結果,歸納出結論如下: 一、新北市國民小學教師知覺學校推動社區資源整合策略之重要性程度高於可行性程度。 二、不同個人背景教師知覺學校推動社區資源整合策略之重要性與可行性程度 有所差異。其中男性教師高於女性教師、服務年資未滿10年之教師高於年 資10年以上教師、兼任行政之教師高於擔任級任或科任教師。 三、不同學校背景教師知覺學校推動社區資源整合策略之重要性與可行性程度 有所差異。其中偏遠地區教師高於一般地區教師、認證學校教師高於未認 證學校教師。 四、教師知覺學校推動社區資源整合策略重要性與可行性之差距,以「資源共享」層面差距最大,「合辦活動」層面差距最小。 五、學校在推動社區資源整合時面臨的問題包括缺乏專責人員、經費不足與安 全顧慮。 根據前述研究結論,提出具體建議,以供教育主管機關、國民中小學,以及後續研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in perceived importance and feasibility of school-community resource integration strategies among teachers in New Taipei City. This research used self-constructed questionnaire to survey primary school teachers in New Taipei City about strategies used to integrate school-community resources. Data were analyzed using “Fuzzy Statistics”, including fuzzy means, defuzzification, and fuzzy distance analysis. The findings of this study include: 1. Teachers perceived that the integration strategies more important but less feasible. 2. There were differences in perceived importance and feasibility among teachers with regards to their demographic variables. Male teachers, those who served less than 10 years, and executive teachers perceived higher importance and feasibility of resource integration strategies than the other teachers. 3. There were differences in teachers’ perception of importance and feasibility among different school characteristics. Teachers in remote area schools and certified school teachers perceived higher importance and feasibility of resource integration strategies than the other teachers. 4. The largest difference is on resource sharing dimension, and the least difference is on collaborating activity dimension. 5. The challenges in promoting school-community resource integration include lacking dedicated personnel, insufficient funding , and concerning security. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions were proposed to the educational authorities, the schools, and for further studies.


