  • 學位論文


A Study of Effectiveness of Altruism/ Self-Interest Green AD Appeal:Moderating Effect of Environmental Knowledge

指導教授 : 張俊惠


隨著人類經濟的發展,導致地球正持續的暖化,而地球暖化會為地球帶來許多的天災人禍,像是暴風雪、乾旱、熱浪及洪水等。因此,我們必須正視地球暖化會為地球帶來的生存威脅,所以政府積極推動節能減碳的政策,將有助於企業及消費者更重視環境的保護。 因此,企業該如何推廣綠色產品成了當務之急,而如何使用綠色廣告和消費者做溝通和訴求,更是值得探討的議題,故本研究使用不同類型(利他�利己)綠色廣告訴求,來探討何者可產生較佳的廣告效果;另外,本研究也探討當消費者的環境知識不同時,是否會干擾不同類型(利他�利己)綠色廣告訴求的廣告效果,而本研究使用的廣告效果有廣告態度、品牌態度及購買意圖。 本研究使用實驗設計方法來進行研究,得到的研究結果發現如下: (一)利他、利己綠色廣告訴求是具影響力的,特別是在廣告效果的廣告態度及品牌態度上。 (二)由於多數的消費者的購車資訊來源為電視廣告和報紙雜誌,因此,我們建議車商可善加利用電視廣告及報紙雜誌,並推出不用訴求的綠色廣告。 (三)從本研究得知,親友推薦的力量也不容小覷,因此我們建議車商可善加利用親友推薦的力量,舉辦一些活動。


With the economic development of mankind, leading to global warming is continuing and global warming will bring about many of the disasters on Earth, such as storms, droughts, heat waves and floods. Thus, we must face up to global warming will bring about the survival of the Earth's threat. So Government have to actively promote energy conservation and reduce carbon emissions policy, it will help firms and consumers pay more attention to environmental protection. Therefore, the firms how to promote green products has become a priority, and how to make use of green advertising to consumer communication and aspirations, it is also worth to explore. So this study was to use a different type (altruism / self- interest) Green advertising appeals, to explore what can generate better advertising effectiveness; In addition, this study was also explore the environmental knowledge as a moderator to measure whether the different types (altruism / self- interest) Green advertising appeals of advertising effectiveness, and this study used the advertising attitude, brand attitudes, and purchase intentions to measure advertising effectiveness. We applied Experimental Design to analyze the valid response data. The major findings of this study were as follows: (A)Altruism and self-interest green advertising appeal is influential, especially in the advertising effectiveness of advertising attitude and brand attitude. (B)Due to most of consumers when they want to buy a car, their car information from the TV commercial and newspapers or magazines, so we advise Auto companies have to use TV commercial and newspaper or magazines frequently, and make different kinds of Green advertising appeal. (C)From this study, we found that relatives and friends recommend have strong strength, so we advise auto companies can use relatives and friends recommend strength, sometime, hold an activity.


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