  • 學位論文


Development and influence of corporation of Malaysian Chinese association

指導教授 : 顏建發


目前國內學者對於馬來西亞華人社團的研究多數專注於族群、組織沿革、政治影響力等等方面的研究。然而,筆者在馬來西亞的田野調查中發現了馬來西亞華人社團另一個有趣的議題。 海外華人向來是以家族企業的經營模式聞名,但是在馬來西亞卻曾經出現過以華人社團為名的合資式控股公司,例如:嘉應控股公司、馬化控股公司等。這些控股公司的資金來自於所有馬來西亞華人的投資;控股公司的董事由社團中德高望重者擔任。 之前的文獻對於這些控股公司的成立意義各有不同的解釋,不外乎基於對未來政治環境的恐懼與提升華人的經濟地位。不論華人社團控股公司成立意義為何,在馬化控股公司打響募集資金第一炮後,馬來西亞華人世界紛紛興起一波「社團公司化」的風潮。 然而,這些控股公司在實際運作時卻是弊病叢生,完全不見當初所說的偉大目的。一方面是由於政府的合作社法令規定不周全而且政府也未善盡監督者的角色;另一方面是由於一些有心人士趁機五鬼搬運、掏空公司資產。因此,使得馬來西亞華人的「大民族企業」美夢很快就驚醒。 接著,從馬來西亞華人金融危機的處理中,可以看出馬來西亞政府漠視華人族群利益的作法。從頭到尾,除了看到馬來西亞政府清算華人資產以及離間華人間關係外,並沒有看到政府作出能夠歸還華人存在控股公司錢的實質作為。因此,原本是為了提升華人經濟地位的控股公司,不但變成有心華人大撈同胞黑心錢的公司,也成了馬來西亞政府清算華人資產與離間華人關係的大好機會。此波馬來西亞華人社團公司化的浪潮帶給當時馬來西亞華人社會的是「痛苦」而非「控股」。


Most of research to Malaysian Chinese association of domestic scholar are absorbed in the studying of the respect, such as ethnicity, organizing evolution, political influence,etc. However, I have found another interesting topic of Malaysian Chinese association in the field investigation of Malaysia. Each there are different explanations in the establishment meaning in these companies of document before this, nothing more than on the basis of the fear and improving Chinese's economic status to the political environment of future. No matter these companies of Chinese association established why it will be meaning, these companies indeed cause a agitation in Malaysian Chinese world. However, these companies are that the disadvantage grow thickly in actual operation, the great purpose that said originally that totally disappear. On one hand because the government's decree of cooperative society can not stipulate thoroughly and the government has not been good at trying the supervisor's role best ; On one hand because some Chinese selfishness cause these companies damage. Then, from the treatment of Malaysian Chinese financial crisis, we can find out that Malaysian government ignores the practices of the interests of Chinese. From the beginning to the end, Malaysian government didn’t do anything for the crisis. However, these companies didn’t achieve the aim of improving Chinese economic status. Therefore, these companies to Malaysian Chinese is something painful.


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