  • 學位論文


Research on the Cross-strait Military Confidence-Building Measures - A Perspective of Constructivism

指導教授 : 王高成


為了避免因誤判而引發爭端,造成難以彌補的遺憾,並確保臺海兩岸長久的和平與發展,多年來國內政界與學術界紛紛倡議兩岸建立軍事互信機制。隨著2008年馬總統上臺所提出的國防政策,以及首次出版的「四年期國防總檢討」報告中,都將兩兩岸建立軍事互信機制的議題列入國防政策目標,顯見對此議題的重視。 現階段政府積極恢復與中國大陸兩會模式的制度化協商機制,經過數年的努力,已有大步的進展。值此蛻變之際建立軍事互信機制是否為最佳時機?兩岸隔海分治66年長期處於「敵對狀態」,縱使最近3年以來兩岸關係有長足的進展,但建立軍事互信機制屬於高度的政治性議題,在國內政治認同分歧的情況下,兩岸又該如何推動軍事互信機制。 本研究以建構主義推動兩岸軍事互信機制,首先必須兼顧民主正當性的原則下,凝聚國內共識,以近、中、遠程循序漸進的模式,增加彼此互信基礎,建立軍事互信機制,為兩岸爭取最大的和平與安定。


For the sake of keeping enduring peace between ROC(Taiwan)and PRC and getting rid of misunderstanding causing the perish result by serious conflict on specific issues, political circle and academic circle have been advocating to build up Military Confidence Measures(MCBMs)for along time.In the year of 2008, President Ma’s defense policy and Quadrennial Defense Review(QDR),the first time published by the government,have also mentioned the needs of building Military Confidence Measures between PRC and ROC(Taiwan).Above all,the subject of Military Confidence Measures has been a spotlight and getting a lot of attention. Ma’s government has positively restarted the systematic dialogue by the organization of the Straits Exchange Foundation (Taiwan)and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait(Mainland China).After years dialogue, the relation between Taiwan Strait has been making great progress and getting improvement.After breaking the ice and reducing the hostile,it might be a good time to build up the Military Confidence Measures between PRC and ROC.However,by with the lack of local consensus, and by with the highly sensitive political issue of MCBMs,it will be a tough call to carry it out. To implement the Military Confidence Measures between PRC and ROC effectively,this research suggests that the government should take actions by democratic constitution,illustrating the meaning of MCBMs,constructing the local consensus, setting up the goal and plans by different terms.By bilateral dialogues lastingly,we hope to escalate mutual confidence and create benefit and peace for the people of ROC and PRC.


方天賜(2001.7-8 月),〈印度實施經濟改革以來的外交走向〉,《問題與研究》,第40 卷,第4 期,頁81-96。
