  • 學位論文


Maritime Strategy of Russian Federation in the period of Putin

指導教授 : 翁明賢


海洋,對於人類生存與發展來說,是一個寶藏。它不但富有生物性資源,也蘊藏了龐大的能源與礦產。有人稱二十一世紀為「海洋時代」,也有人將海洋稱為「藍色領土」,顯示出世人對於海洋的渴望。 作為一個濱臨三大洋的傳統陸權國家,俄羅斯在冷戰後承受了經濟衰敗、國力下降一連串的打擊。然而,在普欽總統精力圖治的作為下,國家實力開始向上提升。那麼,如何將俄羅斯再次從陸地的一角帶到世界海洋的舞台上,並且利用海洋加強整體國家利益,則有必要探討其海洋戰略為何。 首先,本文探討了俄羅斯民族對於海洋經營的歷史。包括伊凡四世、彼得大帝等人,對於俄羅斯海軍的架構形成做出歷史因素的分析。接著,再探討蘇聯時期俄羅斯的海軍發展,並且與帝國時期做出包含政治、經濟與安全三方面的比較。然而,現階段俄羅斯聯邦的海洋戰略,又受到全球化的外部影響:表現在全球化對海洋環境的影響、國際戰略格局的轉變,以及軍事事務革命的衝擊。俄羅斯聯邦內部的經濟發展與政治改革,加上軍事現代化的轉變,也由內部對海洋戰略造成影響。 因此,在綜合歷史與內外環境的因素之後,本文主要分析俄羅斯聯邦海洋利益為何,以及對應的海洋戰略又是什麼。在整體研究的過程中,將海洋戰略分為政治、經濟與安全三大層面,並從這三個層面的相互作用架構出俄羅斯的海洋戰略。必須要注意的是,海洋戰略的本質並不等於海軍戰略,而海洋戰略是整體國家戰略下的一環。因此,海洋戰略是一個有系統並需嚴謹考量的戰略研究工作。 蘇聯曾經是世界上唯一能與美國爭奪海洋霸權的國家,在冷戰結束後逐漸在國際社會中消音。面對大西洋、太平洋與北極海三方向的挑戰,俄羅斯是否能夠在普欽總統的領導下,重新以海上強國之姿回到世界大國的行列,成為一個重要的課題。


俄羅斯 海洋戰略 海洋利益 海權 全球化


Ocean and sea, for the part of humanity's survival and development, is a treasure. It has great biological resources and is full of energy and minerals. Therefore, this century are called “the age of ocean” and also “the Blue Territory”---shows the humanity's desire of ocean. As a traditional nation of land power, Russian Federation faces tree oceans and the power was seriously reduced after the Cold War. However, following with the efforts of President Putin, its national power is in increase. So, in order to analyze how Putin will bring his nation back to the stage of great sea power, and how to take use of the interests of ocean to complete whole national interests, we must understand what is the maritime strategy of Putin. At first, there is a discussion of the Russian ocean’s history. Including of the Czars such as Ivan IV and Peter the great, they are the key men who created the Russian Navy and decided the basic direction of how Russia should run the ocean’s business. The discussion of USSR is also included of three parts as the discussion of Russian empire, such as economy, politics and security. However, Russian maritime strategy in this century is affected by the outer and inner factors. The main outer factor is globalization, including of the new marine environment, international strategic pattern and the revolution of military affairs. The inner factors are the development of Russian economy, politics and the transform of its navy. Therefore, with the comprehensive discussion of history, outer and inner factors, the main part of this thesis is following those points: what are the marine interests and how to construct the new maritime strategy. The maritime strategy is constructed with three parts: politics, economy and security.


Russia Maritime Strategy Sea Power Globalization


58.高西可夫 著,朱成祥 譯。國家海權論。臺北:黎明文化事業股份有限公司,1985年。
