  • 學位論文


The Reinsurance Arrangement Research of Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Risk Spreading Mechanism

指導教授 : 廖述源 呂慧芬


台灣位處太平洋地震帶,地震發生本就頻繁,所幸自921地震後未發生大規模地震及嚴重損失,但是近年來地球氣侯急遽變遷,鄰國日本及紐西蘭接連發生大規模地震,以及澳洲及泰國的嚴重水災等,其所造成的人員傷亡及經濟損失皆超越以往,此時我們不得不重新檢視,以現行的住宅地震保險危險分散機制對於天災所引起的損害是否已有適當的風險管理,足以保障民眾的權益呢? 本研究參酌國外先進國家住宅地震保險危險分散機制在地震發生前後之調整因應作法,藉由情境假設可能發生在台灣的地震損失,運用台灣住宅地震保險現有的相關資料進行資金缺口、現金流量、償債能力等分析研究,甚且以歷史地震作為實境模擬之分析,並將目前再保險市場上合適的再保險方案及其可能的再保成本加以考量後,選取最適合台灣住宅地震保險危險分散機制的再保險方案。 最後提出本研究的結論及建議事項,俾供各有關單位參考。


Taiwan is located on the active tectonic belt surrounding the Pacific Ocean, known as the “ring of fire”, and is one of the three major seismic zones in the world. Earthquakes occur frequently in Taiwan, but luckily, we haven’t experienced serious earthquakes and damages in Taiwan since 1999.9.21. Recently climate changing is increasing. There have been several major catastrophic events around the world, such as the earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand, and floods in Thailand and Australia. These catastrophic events have already claimed many lives and have caused enormous property damages. It is time to review the residential earthquake insurance scheme, which assumes residential earthquake risks and transfers the risk, if the coverage and protection is sufficient in Taiwan. We have studied residential earthquake insurance schemes in developed countries that adjusted their practice in response to massive earthquakes. We simulate the four earthquake loss scenarios of massive earthquakes that may occur in Taiwan, then use the current data and information of Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund, model and analyze the existing funding gap, cash flow, and solvency. We also try to search for the optimal reinsurance program from the current high cost reinsurance market for the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Risk Spreading Mechanism. Finally, the results of our research and analysis can be utilized by organizations in the field to make decisions beneficial to the public. 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM031-01


