  • 學位論文


A Study of Risk Assumption Mechanism Limitation for Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance

指導教授 : 廖述源


台灣住宅地震保險制度自2002年4月1日實施以來,隨著近年投保率不斷提升、政治經濟環境轉變、天災事故不斷與民眾需求增加,使我國住宅地震保險制度面臨更多轉變,又因本保險危險承擔機制限額設定攸關全體被保險人之權益,且與地震發生後本危險承擔機制能否順利運作息息相關,因此台灣住宅地震保險危險承擔機制限額之設定亦應隨之調整與修正。 影響我國住宅地震保險危險承擔機制限額設定之因素眾多,本論文試以下列層面探討:如制度面之承保範圍與賠償機制設計、經濟面之業務成長趨勢、財務面之資金籌措、技術面之風險評估技術及管理面之危險分散等;並比較主要先進國家設定地震保險危險承擔機制限額考量因素,藉此比較分析我國住宅地震保險危險承擔機制限額設定之方法,進而評估我國住宅地震保險危險承擔限額設定之現況與調整後之情形。 鑑於我國住宅地震保險危險承擔限額設定影響全體被保險人權益至深,因此建議除定期檢討危險承擔機制總限額並適時予以調整外,我國住宅地震保險制度尚有若干議題,亟需被保險人、保險經營業者與政府相關單位共同努力解決,俾使我國住宅地震保險危險承擔機制限額設定更加周全完善,民眾財產更有保障。


Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Program (TREIP) has been carried out since April 1, 2002. Due to the continous increase of takeup rate, the transition of political and economical situations, numourous natural catastrophe events and more and more requests by the public in recent years, Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Program has been facing more changes and challenges. As the Risk Assumption Mechanism Limitation for Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance affects the insured’s interests and benefits and influences the entire program’s operating results, the setup of the limitation should be reviewed and modified based on the above changes. There are plenty facters to influence the setup of Risk Assumption Mechanism Limitation for Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance: such as the strategic aspect of insurance coverage and claim criteria; the ecomonical aspect of the business growth tendency; the financial aspect of the cash flow and funds raise; the technical aspect of risk model analysis and the managerial aspect of risk transfer methods. In addition, some advanced countries’ earthquake insurance mechanisms are taken into account for comparision with Taiwanese mechanism in order to evaluate the present limitation and project the modified limitation for Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Risk Assumption Mechanism. The aforesaid limitation influences the insured’s rights and interests a lot, therefore, not only the limitation should be reviewed periodically and revised at the proper time, but also several issues concerning the limitation ought to be noticed and solved by the insured, the insurers and the authories. By way of our endeavors, we hope the limitation of Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Risk Assumption Mechanism becomes more adequate and feasible and then it makes Taiwanes people’s properties more secured.


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