  • 學位論文

俄羅斯「新宗教意識」的研究,1901-1909 ─從「宗教哲學會議」到「路標」

A Study of “New Religious Consciousness” in Russia ,1901-1909 .From “Religious- Philosophical Meetings ”to “Landmarks” .

指導教授 : 馬良文


俄羅斯一直存在著內在的矛盾和衝突,白銀時期是此趨勢的表現,白銀時期的思想核心之ㄧ就是新宗教意識。知識份子有自己的文化、傳統,他們應該對東正教有什麼態度?應該在社會上扮演什麼樣的角色來領導人民? 在俄羅斯文化的發展過程中,俄羅斯精神與東正教的關係是密不可分的。在19-20世紀之交,俄羅斯知識份子致力於在基督教意識、文化、政治及個人生活觀念上的更新,經過一系列的創新、奮鬥、挑戰之下,發起了一場規模浩大的宗教思想運動-新宗教意識。 本論文主旨在探討以下問題: 1.索洛維約夫、羅贊諾夫、梅列日科夫斯基獨創的宗教思想。 2.彼得堡宗教哲學會議(1901-1903年)的影響。 3.別爾嘉耶夫對新宗教意識的評價。 4.《路標》對知識份子的批評與期許。 俄羅斯文明模式與東正教的傳統在歷史發展過程中,產生深刻矛盾,這些矛盾在現代化過程中,向俄羅斯社會提出了極大的挑戰。在俄羅斯白銀時代,這些問題已經成熟,並且知識份子一定要解決這些矛盾。所以所謂的新宗教意識,正是對此的回答。


This thesis aims at clarifying the historical background and significance of an intellectual the religious movement during the so-called Silver age of Russian history 1901-1914.One of its most important aspects was the search for the so-called New Religious Consciousness. This novelty was a response to contradictions and challenges related to the Russia modernization as well as the legacy of the intelligence tradition. During imperial age, there emerged painful split between Russian’s Orthodox tradition and social culture, whose most nature product of intelligence was a call for New Religious Consciousness was aimed at overcoming this split and creating “new religious sociality”that integrate Christian and secular values. This thesis deals with the following issues: 1.Religious thought of V. Soloviev, V. Rozanove, and D. Mereshkovski as well as other religious thinkers of the time, including S. Bulgakov and S. Frank. 2.The influence of the Religious-Philosophical Meetings that held in Saint Petersburg during 1901 -1903. 3.The religious thought of N.A Berdyaev who both sympathized with the new religious movement and criticized it. 4.How the major authors of the book“Landmark”(1909) criticized the tradition of social activity and religious values. Due to many factors, the search for New Religious Consciousness failed to achieve its goals, but it revealed some vital features of Russian thought and society. Its questions are still very important for contemporary Russian thought.


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