  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Guanxi, Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty

指導教授 : 吳坤山 陳基祥


「關係」在華人文化背景中具有豐富多元的意義,其概念不同於西方社會之行銷關係概念,國際學術界只好以漢語拼音的「關係(Guanxi)」為代表。近年來,更由於中國在全球經濟舞台上的崛起,許多國際企業在中國從事商業活動,在過往類似的交易經驗中,發現中國社會的關係現象是攸關商業活動成敗的重要變數,更是企業在中國文化主導下進行商業活動的重要特點;亦發現關係與人情是密不可分。因此,學術界更關切中國社會的商業私人關係,因為私人關係對企業有重要作用,可以降低企業的不確定性,提高企業的供銷能力、反應能力和企業績效,亦可藉此能降低企業與供銷商之間的機會主義行為,以及注意私人關係對灰色行銷行為之影響。在關係導向的華人社會,如何創造與運用關係對個人與企業皆相當重要。 然而在實證研究中,通常僅以關係連結的方式來分析關係效果,更極少將商業活動中「關係」與「關係行銷」運用在「顧客忠誠度」作關聯性之研究。緣此,本研究以具有金融業開戶或商品交易經驗之大眾為研究對象,針對前述之關聯性進行探討分析,發放340份問卷,有效樣本為308份。透過敘述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、及結構方程模型中之偏最小平方估計法進行統計分析,其主要研究結果如下: 1、關係(Guanxi)顯著正向影響關係行銷。 2、關係行銷顯著正向影響顧客忠誠度。 3、關係(Guanxi)顯著正向影響顧客忠誠度。 關鍵字:關係(Guanxi)、關係行銷、顧客忠誠度、偏最小平方估計法


The word "Relationship" in Chinese culture has rich and diverse meanings, and its concept is different from that in Western society. The international academic community even translates "relationship” into “Guanxi," based on its Chinese pronunciation. In recent years, as China has arisen in the global economic arena, many international companies doing business in China found “Guanxi” plays a vital role in determining the success of commercial activities, and that “Guanxi” is closely connected with human relations. Therefore, the academic field is very concerned about China's commercial personal relationships, for they play important roles in reducing the uncertainty of enterprises, in improving the supply capacity, response capabilities and business performance, and it will also help to reduce the opportunistic behaviors between enterprises and providers, influencing gray marketing behavior. In relationship-oriented Chinese society, how to create and use both personal and business relationship is very important. However, in empirical studies, previous researchers only used connection bonds to analyze relationship effects, and rarely did they make connections between “Guanxi,” “Relationship Marketing” and “Customer Loyalty.” Owing to this, this study targets on the general public who have the experience of opening an account in financial markets or commodity exchanges. Three hundred and forty questionnaires were distributed, with 308 valid. By applying descriptive statistics, validity analysis, and reliability analysis, partial least square method, the major findings are as follows: 1. Guanxi has a positive impact on Relationship Marketing. 2. Relationship Marketing has a positive impact on Customer Loyalty. 3. Guanxi has a positive impact on Customer Loyalty.


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