  • 學位論文

虛擬實境技術應用於博物館導覽之探討 -以國立歷史博物館為例

A Study of The Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Museum Navigation -A Case Study of National Museum of History

指導教授 : 曾義明


本研究以國立歷史博物館(以下簡稱史博館)的觀眾為對象,根據學者Rogers(1995)提出的創新擴散理論模型的五個主題,分別是相對優越性、複雜性、可試性、可觀察性與相容性為架構,設計出訪談題目,本研究以質性研究之深度訪談法進行訪問,共選擇4位訪問對象,訪談時間為105年11月至106年1月,受訪者中有一位是3D掃描設計公司的執行長,另外3位則為有虛擬實境體驗經驗的使用者,探討以虛擬實境作為導覽工具與傳統導覽方式在相對優越性、複雜性、可試性、可觀察性與相容性方面的差異,進而對虛擬實境作為博物館導覽工具的應用有更深入的理解,提供研究和實務參考。 本研究歸納結論如下:一、虛擬實境設備在文物的呈現上相對於傳統的靜態介紹方式更具優越性;在使用方面複雜性不高。二、在博物館使用虛擬實境設備的可試性不高;在博物館看到虛擬實境設備仍不普遍,因此可觀察性不高;虛擬實境設備與博物館既有設備相容性甚高。針對本研究研究結果建議如下:一、以動畫方式製作VR影片並透過廣告傳達,加深觀眾對靜態文物透過虛擬實境展現出活潑生動的印象,有利於增進觀眾到館參觀的意願。二、先以特展方式選擇某些著名藝術作品製作成虛擬實境影片進行導覽服務,觀察參觀者接受程度,之後再依博物館的特性、展出空間、館藏文物的特色等,選擇最適合的呈現方式。


This study is aimed at the audience of the National Museum of History (hereinafter referred to as the Museum of History), According to Scholar Rogers (1995), the five themes of the theory of innovation diffusion are the Relative Advantage, Complexity, Trialability, Observability and Compatibility of the architecture. In this study, we conducted four interviews with qualitative research. The interview was conducted from November 2005 to January 2006, and one of the respondents was 3D scanning design company CEO, the other three were virtual reality experience users. This paper explores the differences in the relative superiority, complexity, testability, observability and compatibility of the virtual reality as a navigation tool and the traditional tour method, and the application of the virtual reality as a museum navigation tool. More in-depth understanding, to provide research and practical reference. The conclusion of this study is as follows:1.Virtual reality devices are more innovative in navigation than traditional navigation; In the cultural relics relative to the traditional static presentation way more superiority; In the use of the complexity is not high.2.The use of virtual reality equipment in the museum is not high; In the museum to see the virtual reality equipment is still not general, so the observation is not high; In the museum to see the virtual reality equipment is still not general, so the observation is not high. The results of this study are as follows:1.To create VR video by way of animation and to convey through the advertising, to deepen the audience on the virtual artifacts through the virtual reality to show a lively and vivid impression, help to enhance the audience to visit the will.2.To create VR video by way of animation and to convey through the advertising, to deepen the audience on the virtual artifacts through the virtual reality to show a lively and vivid impression, help to enhance the audience to visit the will.


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