  • 學位論文


Exploring to enhance cloud strong product in Total Quality Management – The case study for A company

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


雲端概念已是時下的熱門話題,相關的雲端儲存產品更是炙手可熱,而產品品質的穩定度,更是顧客在選購商品時的重要考量因素之一。由於全面品質管理(TQM,Total Quality Management)的理念,在各行各業仍然受到相當廣泛的運用,以藉此提升企業在市場上的競爭力。至今,全面品質管理並未因時間的久遠而減少其存在的價值。因此,本研究選定台灣磁碟陣列專業製造商為對象,並蒐集過去九年所累積的顧客反饋問題資料,期間從2005年到2014年共1640件,來進行數據分析,再藉由全面品質管理之理念,進一步的運用品管手法當中之柏拉圖與特性要因圖來分析問題的所在,並透過相關人員的訪談,探討個案公司之現況與未來,該如何降低顧客反饋問題的發生,以提升產品之競爭力。 雲端的佈局與相關性的衍生商品都已是兵家必爭之地,該如何掌握這股時事的脈動,若只是單純的仰賴硬體基礎,早已不足夠,應該更要進一步的掌握與提升軟體、韌體的品質穩定度,才能在眾多的競爭者當中脫穎而出!


Cloud concept is a hot topic nowadays, relevant cloud storage product is hot shot, and the stability of product quality, is one of the important considerations when customers purchase goods. Since the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept, in all walks of life continue to be fairly widely used, to thereby enhance their competitiveness in the market. So far, Total Quality Management (TQM) has not been a long time, and reduces the value of its existence. Therefore, this thesis selected RAID professional manufacturer in Taiwan as an object, and collect the accumulated problems of the past nine years that customers feedback data from the period 2005 year to 2014 year a total of 1640 articles, for data analysis. Then, by the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM), to use Plato and Cause and Effect diagram of quality control techniques for further analyze, and through interviews with relevant personnel to discussion of the status of the case and how the future of the company to reduce customers feedback problems occur, in order to enhance the competitiveness of the products.


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