  • 學位論文


The Application of Group Technology Combined with EIQ in Warehouse Optimizing - Company A as an Example

指導教授 : 林賜德


學術和產業有著密不可分的關係,產業人士、從業人員都來自於學術教育單位。受完教育,進入職場,從此與「學術」絕緣。特別是高等教育體系的畢業生,為了學位而學術,為了學位而研究,依「國家實驗研究院」在2013年7月所發表的《台灣研究報告》統計資料,2012年台灣論文發表量逾26,000 篇,約占全世界論文總發表量2.07%。台灣的產業因而增加競爭力? 本研究旨在透過簡單的理論應用,以數據比較為出發點,從而得到可以實際導入應用的倉儲優化對策。藉由改善倉儲儲位的規畫,使個案公司具備更高的備料效率,進而降低在備料環節的成本,改善了備料的時間耗費,生產線就能夠有更多的時間生產。 大多數倉儲研究牽涉深奧複雜的理論,無法淺顯易懂,實用性低,在業界作用不大。本研究希望以A公司為對象,藉由現地訪查及取樣期間訂單記錄、出貨記錄的EIQ分析,以及取樣機種的BOM分析,得到各個物料的共用性狀況以及各機種產品的出貨情形,對個案公司倉儲儲位提出改善的具體對策。從而將學術與產業做一個連結,以展現兩者之間可以合理結合的方式。 從ERP流程延伸到供應鍊供貨的調整,可以節省接近50%的備料成本以及時間的耗費。特定倉儲區域的貨架重新規劃,可以對常用機種的備料效率有40%-60%的改善。在選擇試算的10個機種上,取樣期間的備料金額由NTD230,455減少了NTD109,610而成為NTD120,845,節省約45%。




Academic and industry has a close relationship.The industrial people, employees all came from academic education system. They enter the workplace after completing education, and then far away from academic field. Their research and study only for degree. According to the Taiwan Research Report of National Applied Research Laboratories which published in July 2013, there are over 26,000 reports published in Taiwan that is accounting for 2.07% worldwide.Therefore, any competitive advantage that Taiwan Industry increased? This study is starting on using a simple theory via data comparison to get a workable warehouse optimizing strategy. Improving the storage space-assign plan, cased company could have more effective material preparation, the relevant cost and time can be saved. Thus the production line can get more time on manufacture. Most warehouse storage studies are esoteric theories, not easy to understand, low practical and low effect on industry. Company A as an object, through on-site visiting, the EIQ (Order-entry, Item, Quantity, EIQ) analysis on record of order and shipping, and BOM analysis on duration of sampling to come out the common parts status and shipping trend. Then propose the solution to cased company. As a demonstration that the academic can well linking with industry. From the ERP process extending to supply chain adjustment, which saves nearly 50% about the cost and time consumption. Shelf re-planning specific storage areas can be efficiently used for the preparation of the 40% -60% improvements. Choose trial on 10 models, the amount of sample preparation cost is from NTD230,455 to NTD120,845 reduced NTD109,610 which saved 45% around.


EIQ analysis BOM


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