  • 學位論文


The Study of Internationalization of Taiwanese SMEs and Economic and Trade Diplomacy

指導教授 : 蔡政言
共同指導教授 : 賴錦璋(Chin-Chang Lai)


台灣中小企業自1951年發展至今已超過70年,發展歷程從農業、工業、到高科技產業讓台灣中小企業脫胎換骨,並朝向AI(人工智慧)、IOT(物聯網)、5G新網路等新興科技時代帶動中小企業轉型。 但是2019年發生新冠肺炎,對台灣及全世界之經濟造成極大傷害,台灣中小企業在國內外交投資均受到波及。如何扶植中小企業國際化以及協助政府推動經貿外交為本研究之研究動機。 研究目的有以下三點:對台灣中小企業國際化面臨的困境,提出解決策略;探討台灣中小企業的未來發展;因應新冠肺炎帶來的衝擊,找出解決辦法。 根據研究結果提出以下結論:中小企業虛擬整合,提升整體競爭力;政府扶植台灣的中小企業創造自有品牌;政府開設課程培育經貿專業人才;新冠肺炎疫帶來中小企業商機;協助中小企業面臨現金斷流危機;積極參與巨型區域整合協定;厚植服務業自由化實力以應對Mega RTA挑戰。 針對政府如何協助中小企業永續經營以解決困境,提出以下五個解決方案:強化人力資源,轉型數位經濟;透過管理能力評核,強化管理者的能力;鼓勵企業進行併購,以因應全球化國際競爭;建立通路商、供應商網絡,提高企業海外設廠意願;利用政府資源,分攤研發資金與風險。 在面對新冠肺炎帶來的困境,建議政府可進行融資、就業及稅務協助,以解決中小企業面臨的困境。


中小企業 經貿外交 國際化 困境


Taiwan’s SMEs have been prosperous for more than 70 years since 1951. The process of development has transformed Taiwanese SMEs from agriculture, through industry, to high-tech industries. Meanwhile, AI (Artificial Intelligence), IOT (Internet of Things), 5G new networks and other emerging technology eras have driven transformation of SMEs. However, covid-19, occurred in 2019, caused great harm to the economy of Taiwan and all over the world. Taiwanese SMEs have been affected by their domestic and foreign investment. How to foster the internationalization of SMEs and to assist the government for promotion of economic and trade diplomacy is the base research motivation of this paper. The research purpose has the following: to propose solutions to the difficulties faced by Taiwanese SMEs in internationalization; to explore the future development of Taiwanese SMEs; and to find solutions to the impact of covid-19. We suggest the following: SMEs need to virtually integrate to enhance overall competitiveness; the government needs to support Taiwanese SMEs to create their own brands; the government needs to open courses to cultivate economic and trade professionals; covid-19 may actually bring opportunities for SMEs; the government needs to assist SMEs to face cash cut-off crisis; he government needs to actively participate in giant regional integration agreements; and the government needs to build a strong service industry liberalization strength to meet Mega RTA challenges. Regarding how the government assists SMEs in sustainable operation to solve their difficulties, the following five solutions are proposed: strengthening human resources and transforming the digital economy; strengthening management capabilities through assessment of management capabilities; encouraging enterprises to conduct mergers and acquisitions in response to globalization Competition; establishing a network of distributors and suppliers to increase the willingness of companies to set up factories overseas; facilitating government resources to allocate R & D funds and to diversify risks. Facing the crisis of covid-19, it is suggested that the government can provide financing, employment and tax assistance to overcome the difficulties faced by SMEs.


