  • 學位論文


People’s Republic of China’s Psychological Warfare toward Taiwan(2017-2022)

指導教授 : 曾怡碩


心理戰雖然已有長久的歷史,但隨著時間及兩岸關係的變動,心理戰亦演變出諸多手法及策略,本研究以中共對臺心理戰為主題,藉文獻探討,剖析習近平近五年來(2017-2022年),對臺灣的政策方針,並針對政治、經濟、軍事、文化四大層面,共十二個議題的具體統戰手段與心理戰略實施分析。 本研究首以中共心理戰之發展歷史及戰法應用為基礎,並加以解析各領導人戰術戰法及案例分析,再以習近平上任後之兩岸政策研究,現階段依然以「九二共識」與「和平統一、一國兩制」為兩大主軸,並依據國家的政治型態與目標,活絡外交關係且由上對下的政治矮化、國際封鎖,配合著經貿兩手策略,致使臺灣經濟體對中國有極大的依賴性,進而對我國經濟制裁,加大阻撓我國於國際上的經貿往來與發展,致力於打壓我國之聲勢與支持,更利用疫情議題打擊我國士氣,俾利於兩岸統一之道路。 中共善用軟硬兼施之心戰手段,「硬的層面」將軍事走向資訊戰爭新興型態,運用網路情蒐、駭客病毒等滲透方式,破壞我國指揮通信體系與指管系統,有別於以往的有生力量之攻擊,進攻手段更為靈活運用;「軟的層面」為積極取得臺人的文化認同,從過往的教育、宗教、傳播媒體走向全面滲透之心戰方式,加大青年的吸收與思想認同。如放寬中國大專院校入學門檻、將宗教交流視訊化,最終掌握傳播媒體(新聞業、網路平臺、社交網站、娛樂圈、演藝人員)之權力,加以進行該意識形態之散播與宣傳、擴大假訊息的干擾,目的為破壞我國國人的愛國信念及對中央政府之好感與信任,擊潰國人政治認同,以達心戰成效。 中共對臺心理戰之方式及策略與時俱進、日新月異,但其本質不變,筆者從各項具體施壓手段做研究,以作為因應方式及反制作為之參考;並建議加強全民國防教育與強化敵情意識,充實國防心戰能量,擴充戰場體驗與心理素質之提升,以因應中共瞬息萬變慣變的心戰攻勢。


Although psychological warfare has a long history, but with the change of time and cross-strait relations, psychological warfare has also evolved into many methods and strategies, this study in the CCP's psychological warfare against Taiwan as the theme, through literature discussion, analysis of Xi Jinping in the past five years(2017-2022),policy guidelines on Taiwan, as well as united front tactics and psychological strategic analysis of twelve issues at the four levels. This study is based on the development history of psychological warfare of the CCP and the application of tactics, and analyzes the tactical tactics of various leaders And the case analysis, and then based on the study of cross-strait policy after Xi Jinping took office, at this stage However, with the "1992 Consensus" and "one country, two systems, and peaceful reunification" as the two main axes, and according to the political pattern and goals of the country, diplomatic relations are revitalized and dwarfed from top to bottom. The international blockade, in conjunction with the dual-handed strategy of economy and trade, has caused Taiwan's economy to have a great dependence on China, and then imposed economic sanctions on China, increased obstruction of China's international economic and trade exchanges and development, and devoted itself to it in suppressing Taiwan's momentum and support, we have even used the epidemic issue to dampen Our morale and benefit the road to reunification. The CCP makes good use of both soft and hard means of psychological warfare, moves the military to the emerging form of information warfare at the hard level, and uses infiltration methods such as network intelligence collection and hacking viruses to sabotage China's command and communication system and command system, which is different from the attacks of living forces in the past. Offensive means are more flexible; the soft level is to actively gain the cultural identity of Taiwanese people, from the past education, religion, and communication media to the informationized way of psychological warfare, and increase the absorption and ideological identity of young people, such as relaxing the entry threshold of colleges and universities The videoization of religious exchanges eventually grasps the power of the media(journalism, online platforms, social networking sites, entertainment circles, entertainers), the dissemination and propaganda of this ideology, and the interference of false information, with the aim of undermining the patriotic belief of our people and the goodwill and trust of the central government , to defeat the political identity of the people of the country, in order to achieve the results of the war. The CCP's methods and tactics of psychological warfare against Taiwan are advancing with the times and changing with each passing day, but their essence remains unchanged, and the author studies various specific means of exerting pressure as a reference for the response methods and counter-production; and suggests strengthening national defense education for the whole people and strengthening the awareness of the enemy situation, so as to enrich the energy of national defense psychological warfare. Expand the battlefield experience and psychological quality to improve in response to the CCP's rapidly changing psychological warfare offensive.


