  • 學位論文


How the Chinese ability of new immigration mothers affect their children’s academic self-concept , Chinese academic performance and the adaption to learning environments-taking Public Junior High School in Taichung County as an Example.

指導教授 : 李麗君


台灣近年來的整體新移民人數逐年增加,新移民子女也不斷增加,未來台灣人口組成當中約有十分之一會是新移民子女,這些跨國婚姻家庭的子女其成長與學習狀況如何,相當令人關切。部分研究指出新移民女性因語言不通而衍生對子女的教養問題,加上家庭社經地位較低等種種生活上不利的因素,也使父母在課業輔導的角色功能表現不彰,造成下一代學習不利的情境,在在都影響了新移民子女的學習狀況。   因此本研究希望透過問卷調查分析,探討影響新移民子女學習適應之因素,瞭解新移民子女在學習適應、學業自我概念及國文科學業成就上是否真的有落後的情況?母親的漢語能力是否對新移民子女的學習狀況是否有影響?如果有,又影響哪些層面? 本研究之調查對象,以九十八學年度就讀台中縣公立國民中學之新移民子女作為問卷發放的正式研究對象,經過電話催收及親自收表後,回收問卷計383份,其中有效問卷347份,經統計分析後本研究所得結論如下: 一、台中縣98學年度國民中學新移民子女在學業自我概念(2.83)、自陳國文科學業成就(2.81)稍差,學習適應表現尚可(3.18),身心適應(3.33)較學習環境適應(3.06)稍微良好。 二、台中縣98學年度國民中學新移民子女自評母親的漢語能力:母親的漢語能力(3.20)表現尚可,其中聽(3.37)、說(3.57)、讀(3.16)、寫(3.01)的平均數大致良好。 三、新移民女性漢語能力以大陸籍(3.77)最佳,高於整體平均分數,印尼(2.88)、越南(2.81)和其他(泰國籍、緬甸籍、菲律賓籍)國籍(2.97)差異不大。 四、新移民子女國文科學業成就、環境適應、身心適應、學習適應等變項在不同「性別」上有顯著差異,且女生優於男生。學業自我概念在不同「性別」上則沒有達到顯著的差異情況。 五、新移民子女的學業自我概念在不同「年級」上有顯著差異(一年級高於三年級),國文科學業成就、環境適應、身心適應、學習適應等變項在不同「年級」上則沒有達到顯著的差異情況。 六、新移民子女國文科學業成就、學業自我概念、環境適應、身心適應、學習適應在不同「家庭社經地位」上皆沒有達到顯著的差異情況。 七、學業自我概念、環境適應、身心適應、學習適應在不同「母親國籍」上皆達到顯著的差異情況,且母親為大陸籍高於越南籍和印尼籍。 八、母親漢語寫的能力和聽的能力對新移民子女國文科學業成就的影響力達顯著水準。 九、母親漢語說的能力和母親漢語聽的能力對新移民子女學習適應的影響力達顯著水準。 十、母親漢語寫的能力對新移民子女學業自我概念的影響力達顯著水準。 根據前述結論,本研究針對教育行政單位提出建議包括:一、對教育實務相關建議二、對未來研究相關建議。 關鍵字:新移民子女、母親漢語能力、國文科學業成就、學業自我概念、學習適應


The numbers of new immigrations in Taiwan has increased recently, therefore the children of those immigrations also increase. In the future , the percentage of new immigrations’ children will be 1/10. It becomes a concern about the new immigration children’s education & learning situations. Some researches point out that due to the low social status, language problems of immigration mothers, and other disadvantage conditions, the immigration parents can’t be very helpful in children’s education, even cause a worse learning situation to their children. Through questionnaire analysis, this research will discuss if the language ability and academic self-concept will affect the learning and adaptation situations of new immigrations children. Do the immigrations children have issues of learning Chinese? Do the language ability of the immigration mothers affect their children ? This research’s samples are from the new immigration children in public junior high school in Tai-chug county. Through phone and personal, receive 383 questionnaires and there are 347 questionnaires are effective. Through statistical analysis, this research has the conclusions as below : 1. The academic self-concept points (2.83 points) and learning adaption situation are not very good (2.81 points), body & mind adaption (3.33 points) is better than learning environment adaption (3.06 points). The self-evaluation of Chinese level is middle. 2. The Chinese ability points of mothers are just well (3.20 points), listening(3.37 points) , speaking(3.587 points),reading(3.16 points)and writing (3.01 points) points are all fine. 3. Mainland Chinese national mothers’s Chinese ability (3.77 points)and Indonesia (2.88 points) are higher than the overall average score, Vietnam (2.81) and others (Thai, Burmese, Filipino) (2.97 points) were similar. 4. New immigrations’ children’s Chinese immigrants academic achievement, environmental adaptation, physical and psychological adaptation, learning adaptation to the different variables of "sex" have significant differences, and the girls better than boys. Academic self-concept of "gender" is not reached on the significant differences in the situation. 5. New immigrant children's academic self-concept in different "grades" have significant differences (first grade above the third grade), Chinese academic performance, environmental adaptation, physical adaptation, learning to adapt to other variables in the different "grades" on the other hand does not meet significant differences in the situation. 6. New immigrant children's Chinese immigrants academic achievement, academic self-concept, environmental adaptation, physical and emotional, learning adaptation to the different "socioeconomic status," are no significant differences in the situation to achieve. 7. Academic self-concept, environmental adaptation, physical adaptation, learning adaptation to the different "mother’s nationality" all reached significant difference in the situation. 8. The Chinese writing & listening ability of mother has obvious impact on children’s Chinese academic performance. 9. The Chinese speaking & listening ability of mother has obvious impact on children’s learning adaption situation. 10. The Chinese writing ability of mother has obvious impact on children’s academic self-concept. Base on the conclusions above, this research provide below suggestions to the education bureaus :1. the relevant proposals to the education practice, 2. relevant recommendations for future research.




江貞穎(2014)。國中生自我概念與學習適應之關聯性研究 ─以桃園縣為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400477
