  • 學位論文


Personality, Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction - A study of new army volunteer

指導教授 : 李旭華


由於金融海嘯的影響,經濟不景氣,相對地公職就變得十分熱門,國軍也成為了選項之一,但是一般人想成為國軍人員,但並不瞭解自己是不是適合軍隊的生活方式,好像只有薪水的考量,殊不知軍人應有的特質,所以本研究只針對志願役新進人員探討,希望能以問卷調查其本身的人格特質,是否真的適合部隊管理?每個人都有自己的個性及特質,相對的,每個工作也有自己的屬性及特性,如何把對的人放在對的工作崗位上,實屬不易,所以本研究也想瞭解部隊的工作特性是否符合志願役新進人員本身的特性。 本研究一共發出350份問卷,刪除無效問卷後,取得206份有效問卷,本研究以李克特五點尺度來衡量變數,在信度的分析上,使用Cronbach α係數來分析內部一致性程度。本研究在人格特質部分的信度值α=0.721,在工作特性關係部分的信度值α=0.881,均在0.70以上,皆屬於高信度。在工作滿意度關係部分的信度值α=0.648,屬於尚可。因此人格特質、工作特性及工作滿意度三部分變項之內在信度是符合一般標準的。因此本研究問卷具有高度的一致性與穩定性。 部隊欲提升新進人員的工作滿意度時,應多瞭解人員本身的內心想法,一位優秀的軍人養成,國家所支付的訓練成本並不少,須持續維持人員高度的滿意度,才能有繼續努力的衝勁,並依照不同的工作特性,把適當的人放置在適當的工作崗位,才能發揮最大效益。


Recent economic downturn, the public careers has become very popular. It is difficult to take the national examination. Some people don't understand themselves. They seems to work for money, they does not know the military life. Therefore, this study only for new staff of volunteers service, and survey their own personality. Everyone has their own personality and characteristics, relative, and its own attributes and characteristics. How to put on people on the workplace? It is not easy. This study also wanted to know whether the characteristics of the work force volunteer labor characteristics of new staff itself. This study used 350 questionnaires.After remove the invalid questionnaires, the study obtained 206 valid questionnaires. The analysis of the recovery reliability and this study use five-point Likert scale to measure the variables. The analysis of reliability, using the Cronbach α coefficient of internal consistency level. In this study, the reliability of personality value α = 0.721, in the working relationship between characteristics of some of the reliability value of α = 0.881, they were more than 0.70. They are a high reliability. Part in the relationship between job satisfaction, the reliability of the value α = 0.648.Therefore, personality traits, job characteristics and job satisfaction variables within the three parts of reliability are consistent with the general standard. The study questionnaire has a high degree of consistency and stability. The study enhances the force proposed voluntary labor force new staff job satisfaction, they should know more about the minds of their own staff. All units are full of dangers and challenges of work. The general office workers are not easy to adapt. Develop a good soldier; the state paid a lot of training costs. Shall continue to maintain a high level of staff satisfaction, and continued efforts to have momentum. Accordance with different operating characteristics, place the right people to work. It will achieve maximum efficiency. Each military personnel is training target member, New staff also should realize that in order to spur their own!


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