  • 學位論文


The Study of Armed Forces in Culture of Units’ Organization, Behavior of Leadership, Characteristics of Jobs and Tendency of Withdrawal – Based on the Example of Volunteered Soldiers in A Units of Armed Forces.

指導教授 : 余鑑博士 于俊傑博士


在以往的徵兵制度下,大部份的義務役士兵在服完法定役期後,即退伍投入社會,人才的流失在軍中是一個相當嚴重的問題。因此,國防部自民國92年起,大幅修正了國軍兵役制度,由原本的徵兵制,朝向「常備部隊以募兵為主,後備部隊以徵兵為主」的募、徵兵併行制,並計畫從2011年開始,調整募兵和徵兵制的比例,每年減少10%徵兵、增加10%的募兵,直到2014年底達到100%全募兵的目標。 本研究旨在探討國軍單位組織文化、領導行為、工作特性與離職傾向之關係,以了解國軍志願士兵在不同背景變項的組織文化、領導行為、工作特性和離職傾向的差異與相關情形,並進一步探討國軍單位組織文化、領導行為及工作特性對離職傾向的預測力。析而言之,本研究的目的有:一、探討組織文化對志願士兵離職傾向之影響。二、探討領導行為對志願士兵離職傾向之影響。三、探討工作特性對志願士兵離職傾向之影響。 本研究採問卷調查方式,依據研究目的、待答問題及文獻探討,編製「國軍單位組織文化、領導行為、工作特性與離職傾向之研究調查問卷」,針對目前服務於北、中、南部地區國軍不同單位屬性的志願士兵,請其協助填答問卷。總計發放問卷300份,回收有效問卷274份,成功樣本回收率為91.3%。調查結果經敘述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析及迴歸分析等統計方法,以有系統的方式對國軍志願士兵離職傾向作一歸納與分析,期能幫助國軍吸引優秀志願士兵繼續留營服務,以確保「兵源的穩定性」,達到「精兵」政策之目標,有效提升國軍整體戰力。


In the past, based on the Conscription system, most of the conscripted soldiers joined the society right after they have fulfilled the obligation of their legal term for serving in the military. It is considered as a major issue for losing its main strength in the military. Thus, since 2003, the Ministry of National Defense greatly modified its policy in enlisted man from full conscription shifted to “volunteer soldiers in standing forces and conscripted soldiers in reserved forces”. It adopted both conscription and volunteer forces policy for the enlisted man. In order to reach the goal of full volunteer force in 2014, the MND plans to shift the ratio of enlisted man starting from 2011 by decreasing 10% of the conscripted soldiers and increasing 10% of the volunteered soldiers annually. This paper tends to examine the connections within the Armed Forces in culture of units’ organization, behavior of leadership, characteristics of jobs and tendency of withdrawal. So it may help us to identify how the above factors influence the volunteer soldiers’ decision of withdrawing from the military. And, furthermore, it helps us to investigate the capacity of foreseeing the tendency of soldier’s withdrawal from the military influenced by the above factors. In a word, the purpose of this paper is followed. First, it is to discuss how volunteered soldiers’ decision of withdrawal from the military affected by the culture of units. Second, it examines how the behaviors of leadership discourage the soldiers to stay in the military. Third, it investigates how the characteristics of jobs have influence on the trend of soldiers’ decision quitting the military. This paper is supported by the study of questionnaire. Based on the purpose, questions to answer and documentary study, a questionnaire is designed to focus on examining the connections within the Armed Forces in culture of units’ organization, behavior of leadership, characteristics of jobs and tendency of withdrawal of enlisted soldiers. Questionnaires were distributed to the volunteered soldiers who served in different units in the north, center and south portions of Taiwan. There were 300 questionnaires distributed and 274 of them were collected and considered effective. The successful collection rate is 91.3%. The study was conducted through descriptive statistic analysis, independent T specimen ratification, single factor variable analysis, Pearson relative and regression analysis. The intention is to conclude the trend of volunteered soldiers leaving the military through systemic analysis. And, through the result, it can help to attract more excellent soldiers to stay in the military so to ensure the stability of strength of manpower and to reach the goal of “elite soldiers” which may upgrade the warfighting capability of the Armed Forces.




